Man pages for blakeboswell/ploom
Out-of-memory and memory efficient Linear Model fitting with support for Inference

augment.oomglmaugment data with prediction, std error, and residuals
augment.oomlmaugment data with prediction, std error, and residuals
BoundedQrAlgorithm AS 274: Least Squares Routines to Supplement Those...
coef.Rcpp_BoundedQrWrapper for 'BoundedQr' method 'betas'
deparse2lifted as-is from 'stats'
fit.oomglmFit 'oomglm' model via Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares...
fit.oomlmFit 'oomlm' model to additional observations
get_oomdataInternal. Extract information from 'oomdata' function
glance.oomlmReturns a tibble with exactly one row of goodness of fitness...
glm_adjustInternal. Apply Generalized Linear Model transformations to...
init_oomdataInternal. Construct 'oomdata' record
init_oomglmInternal. Initialize Out of memory Generalized Linear...
init_oomlmInternal. Initialize Updating Linear Model
init_oomlm_robustInternal. Initialize generalized linear model with robust...
init_weightReweighting functions that comprise an IRLS iteration
iter_weightFit 'oomglm' model via Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares...
model_frameLifted from 'stats'. modified to be faster and less robust
model_frame_tibblereturn model_frame value as tibble
model_matrixLifted from 'stats'. modified to be faster and less robust
model_offsetLifted from 'stats'. modified to be faster and less robust
model_responseLifted from 'stats'. modified to be faster and less robust
new_bounded_qrInitialize new 'BoundedQr' object
oomdata_dbiIterate over 'tibble', 'DBIResult' or 'connection' in chunks.
oomglmOut of memory Generalized Linear model
oomlmOut of memory Linear model
oomlm_robustOut of memory Linear model with robust standard errors
predictPredict values using 'oomlm' and 'oomglm' models
predict_oomglmInternal. Return function that will predict and format output
predict_oomglm_xInternal. Perform 'oomglm' prediction
predict_oomlmInternal. Return function that will predict and format output
predict_oomlm_xInternal. Perform 'oomlm' prediction
Rcpp_BoundedQr-classClass for out of memory QR factorization
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
residualsCalculate residuals for 'oomlm' and 'oomglm' models
residuals_oomglmInternal. Wrapper for unpacking data and calculating...
residuals_oomglm_xInternal. Calculate residuals of 'oomglm' model.
residuals_oomlmInternal. Wrapper for unpacking data and calculating...
residuals_oomlm_xInternal. Calculate residuals of 'oomlm' model
sandwich_rcov_biglmHubert/White sandwich vcov implementation for updating linear...
tidy.oomdataTidy an 'oomdata' function
tidy.oomlmTidy an oomlm model
unpack_oomchunkExtract elements from data for updating
update_oomdataInternal. Update 'oomdata' function record
update_oomglmInternal. Update 'oomglm' object with additional observations
update.Rcpp_BoundedQrWrapper for 'BoundedQr' method 'update'
update_sandwichUpdate HC sandwich estimator
vcov.Rcpp_BoundedQrWrapper for 'BoundedQr' method 'vcov'
blakeboswell/ploom documentation built on May 25, 2019, 3:24 p.m.