This README file provides instructions on how to build rdt and rdtLite and run regression tests from the RDataTracker repository using Apache Ant.

Building a Package

rdt and rdtLite are built using the ant files build-rdt.xml and build-rdtLite.xml, respectively. This can be done at the command line as follows:

ant -file build-<rdt|rdtLite>.xml <target>

where one of the following is substituted for target:

Running Regression Tests

Regression testing of rdt and rdtLite is done using the ant file tests.xml.

To run a test, enter the following at the command line:

ant -file tests.xml <testName>-<rdt|rdtLite>

where testName is the name of an individual test.

To run all of the tests, enter the following:

ant -file tests.xml test-all-<rdt|rdtLite>

For more details on regression testing, please see the comments in tests.xml.

blernermhc/RDataTracker documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 6:43 p.m.