
# Tests of RDataTracker as if the commands are entered from the console.
# The template script comes in 2 parts:  a pre part that appears before
# the script being tested and a post part that appears after the script
# being tested.  To form the test script, we concatenate the pre-part,
# the script being tested, and the post-part.
# This combined script is copied to examples/TEST/local directory, changed in format, and then
# executed. The expected output template for each test should be found in 

# In theory, the output of this script should be the exact same as the normal 
# output for the scripts being run from the console. The script being included
# should include the ddg.init and ddg.quit calls, and optionally 1 or more
# calls betweent these.
# Author @Barabara Lerner - adapted from sourceTest.r


# determine which prov-collection library to run
tool <- commandArgs(TRUE)[1]

if( identical(tool, "rdt") ) {
} else if( identical(tool, "rdtLite") ) {
} else {
	stop("Provenance collection library is not specified.", call. = FALSE)

## Directories
testDir <- "[DIR_LOCAL]/"

# get initial time
startTime <- Sys.time()

# turn off usage of fancy quotes
blernermhc/RDataTracker documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 6:43 p.m.