stackMeta: Import separate Landsat files into single stack

View source: R/stackMeta.R

stackMetaR Documentation

Import separate Landsat files into single stack


Reads Landsat MTL or XML metadata files and loads single Landsat Tiffs into a rasterStack. Be aware that by default stackMeta() does NOT import panchromatic bands nor thermal bands with resolutions != 30m.


stackMeta(file, quantity = "all", category = "image", allResolutions = FALSE)



Character. Path to Landsat MTL metadata (*_MTL.txt) file or an Landsat CDR xml metadata file (*.xml).


Character vector. Which quantity should be returned. Options: digital numbers ('dn'), top of atmosphere reflectance ('tre'), at surface reflectance ('sre'), brightness temperature ('bt'), spectral index ('index'), all quantities ('all').


Character vector. Which category of data to return. Options 'image': image data, 'pan': panchromatic image, 'index': multiband indices, 'qa' quality flag bands, 'all': all categories.


Logical. if TRUE a list will be returned with length = unique spatial resolutions. This argument was introduced to maintain backward compatibility and will be switched to TRUE in an upcoming release. Please base all new code on terra.


Returns one single SpatRaster comprising all requested bands. If allResolutions = TRUE *and* there are different resolution layers (e.g. a 15m panchromatic band along wit 30m imagery) a list of RasterStacks will be returned.


Be aware that by default stackMeta() does NOT import panchromatic bands nor thermal bands with resolutions != 30m. Use the allResolutions argument to import all layers. Note that nowadays the USGS uses cubic convolution to resample the TIR bands to 30m resolution.


## Example metadata file (MTL)
mtlFile  <- system.file("external/landsat/LT52240631988227CUB02_MTL.txt", package="RStoolbox")

## Read metadata
metaData <- readMeta(mtlFile)

## Load rasters based on metadata file
lsat     <- stackMeta(mtlFile)

bleutner/RStoolbox documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 12:35 a.m.