
In this tutorial we describe the steps for obtaining the results of the epidemiology application of Section 4 of the paper, in order to make them fully reproducible.

All the analyses are performed with a MacBook Air (OS X Sierra, version 10.12.6), using a R version 3.4.1. Notice that matrix decompositions involved in this code might differ across operating systems.

The code described below requires the installation of the LSBP R package, available in this repository. See the README for instructions on the installation.

As a preliminary step, we load on a clean the environment all the required libraries.

rm(list=ls())    # Clean the current session
library(LSBP)    # Load the LSBP package
library(ggplot2) # Graphical library
library(coda)    # For MCMC analysis
library(splines) # For computing the natural B-splines basis

Dataset description

load("dde.RData") # Load the dataset in memory

The dde dataset can be downloaded from this respository. It contains a data.frame having two columns:

The dataset comprises a total of 2312 observations. The DDE is clearly related to the gestational age at delivery, as suggested by the scatterplot shown below; the smooth line is a loess estimate.

ggplot(data=dde, aes(x=DDE,y=GAD)) + geom_point(alpha=.5, cex=.5) + geom_smooth( method="loess", span = 1, col=1) + xlab("DDE (mg/L)") + ylab("Gestational age at delivery") + theme_bw() 

LSBP estimation

To fit the LSBP model we first define some fixed quantities, like the number MCMC replications, the burn-in period and the number of mixture components H.

n         <- nrow(dde) # Number of observations
p         <- 2         # Row and colums of the design for the kernel
p_splines <- 5         # Number of splines components
R         <- 30000     # Number of replications
burn_in   <- 5000      # Burn-in period
H         <- 5         # Number of mixture components

Using the function prior_LSBP we can specify the prior distribution, in the correct format. Also, notice that both GAD and DDE have been normalized.

For the mixing components, we use a natural cubic splines basis with $4$ equally spaced inner knots, obtained through the ns command of the splines package. As a result, for each mixture component we have $5$ parameters that have to be estimated.

prior       <- prior_LSBP(p,p, 
                      b_mixing = rep(0,p_splines+1), B_mixing=diag(1,p_splines+1), 
                      b_kernel = c(0,0), B_kernel=diag(1,p), 
                      a_tau = .1, b_tau= .1)

# Creation of the normalized dataset
dde_scaled  <- data.frame(scale(dde))
Basis       <- ns(dde_scaled$DDE,p_splines)
dde_scaled  <- data.frame(dde_scaled, BS=Basis)

# Formula for the model
model_formula <- Formula::as.Formula(GAD ~ DDE | BS.1 + BS.2 + BS.3 + BS.4 + BS.5)

Gibbs sampling algorithm

We first run the Gibbs sampling using the command LSBP_Gibbs of the LSBP package.

set.seed(10) # The seed is setted so that the Gibbs sampler is reproducible.
fit_Gibbs   <- LSBP_Gibbs(model_formula, data=dde_scaled, H=H, prior=prior,
                          control=control_Gibbs(R=R,burn_in=burn_in), verbose=FALSE)

ECM algorithm

To alleviate the issue of local maxima, we run the ECM algorithm 10 times through the command LSBP_ECM of the LSBP package, and we select the model that reached the highest value of the log-posterior distribution.

logposterior <- rep(0,10)
for(i in 1:10){
  set.seed(i) # Every time we run the algorithm, we set a seed varying with i
  fit_ECM   <- LSBP_ECM(model_formula, data=dde_scaled, H=H, prior=prior,
                        control=control_ECM(method_init = "random"), verbose=FALSE)
  logposterior[i]  <- fit_ECM$logposterior

# Then, we run the algorithm again selecting the seed having the maximum log-posterior
fit_ECM   <- LSBP_ECM(model_formula, data=dde_scaled, H=H, prior=prior,
                        control=control_ECM(method_init = "random"), verbose=FALSE)

Variational Bayes algorithm

As for the ECM algorithm, also the variational Bayes approach suffers the issue of local maxima. Therefore, we run the algorithm 10 times, selecting the one having the highest lower bound.

# VB algorithm
lower_bound <- rep(0,10)
for(i in 1:10){
  fit_VB         <- LSBP_VB(model_formula, data=dde_scaled, H=H, prior=prior,
  lower_bound[i] <- fit_VB$lowerbound

fit_VB   <- LSBP_VB(model_formula, data=dde_scaled, H=H, prior=prior,

Conditional densities

We first create some auxiliary quantities that will be useful during this

# Points for which we will evaluate
DDE.points  <- (round(quantile(dde$DDE,c(0.1,0.6,0.9,0.99)),2) - mean(dde$DDE))/sd(dde$DDE)

# And the correspondings design matrices
X1           <- cbind(1,DDE.points)             # Design matrix for the kernel
X2           <- cbind(1,ns(DDE.points,          # Design matrix for the stick-breaking weights
# Sequence for AGE and DDE
sequenceGAD <- seq(from=min(dde_scaled$GAD),to=max(dde_scaled$GAD),length=100)
sequenceDDE <- seq(from=min(dde_scaled$DDE),to=max(dde_scaled$DDE),length=100)

# Create a new dataset containing the values to be predicted
newdata     <- data.frame(GAD=0, DDE=sequenceDDE, 
                          BS= ns(sequenceDDE,knots=attr(Basis,"knots"),Boundary.knots=attr(Basis,"Boundary.knots")))

In the following chunks it is reported the code necessary for obtaining the conditional density for the three algorithms, using the function LSBP_density of the LSBP package, which evaluates the conditional density of a logit stick-breaking model.

For the Gibbs sampler, the conditional density is evaluated for different GAD values, for each MCMC replication.

# Posterior density - Gibbs sampling
pred_Gibbs <- array(0,c(R,length(sequenceGAD),4))
for(r in 1:R){      # Cycle over the iterations of the MCMC chain
  for(i in 1:100){  # Cycle over the GAD grid
    pred_Gibbs[r,i,] <- c(LSBP_density(sequenceGAD[i],X1,X2,

# Computing posterior means and posterior quantiles
estimate_Gibbs <- apply(pred_Gibbs,c(2,3),mean)
lower_Gibbs    <- apply(pred_Gibbs,c(2,3),function(x) quantile(x,0.025))
upper_Gibbs    <- apply(pred_Gibbs,c(2,3),function(x) quantile(x,0.975))

Similarly, for the ECM algorithm we plug-in the MAP estimate into the conditional density

# Posterior density estimate for the ECM model
estimate_ECM <- matrix(0,length(sequenceGAD),4)
for(i in 1:100){       # Cycle over the GAD grid
  estimate_ECM[i,] <- c(LSBP_density(sequenceGAD[i],X1,X2,

Finally, we compute the posterior conditional density also for the VB approximation. We need first to sample values from the variational approximation: we will then compute the conditional density at each sampled value, thus obtaining a sample from the conditional density.


# Posterior density estimate for the VB model
fit_VB$beta_mixing_sim <- array(0, c(R, H - 1, p_splines+1))
fit_VB$beta_kernel_sim <- array(0, c(R, H, p))
fit_VB$tau_sim         <- matrix(0, R, H)

# Generating values from the VB approximation
for (h in 1:H) {
        if (h < H) {
            eig <- eigen(fit_VB$param$Sigma_mixing[h, , ], symmetric = TRUE)
            A1 <- t(eig$vectors) * sqrt(eig$values)
            fit_VB$beta_mixing_sim[, h, ] <- t(fit_VB$param$mu_mixing[h, ] + t(matrix(rnorm(R * (p_splines+1)), R, p_splines+1) %*% A1))
         eig <- eigen(fit_VB$param$Sigma_kernel[h, , ], symmetric = TRUE)
         A1  <- t(eig$vectors) * sqrt(eig$values)
         fit_VB$beta_kernel_sim[, h, ] <- t(fit_VB$param$mu_kernel[h, ] + t(matrix(rnorm(R * p), R, p) %*% A1))
         fit_VB$tau_sim[, h] <- rgamma(R, fit_VB$param$a_tilde[h], fit_VB$param$b_tilde[h])

# Posterior density - VB
pred_VB <- array(0,c(R,length(sequenceGAD),4))
for(r in 1:R){      # Cycle over the R simulations of the previous step
  for(i in 1:100){  # Cycle over the GAD grid
    pred_VB[r,i,] <- c(LSBP_density(sequenceGAD[i],X1,X2,

# Posterior mean and quantiles
estimate_VB <- apply(pred_VB,c(2,3),mean)
lower_VB    <- apply(pred_VB,c(2,3),function(x) quantile(x,0.025))
upper_VB    <- apply(pred_VB,c(2,3),function(x) quantile(x,0.975))

The construction of Figure 4 of the paper proceeds as follows

# Construction of the data_frame - Notice that the values are reconducted to the original scale.
data.plot <- data.frame(
  prediction  = c(c(estimate_Gibbs),c(estimate_ECM),c(estimate_VB)),
  lower       = c(c(lower_Gibbs),rep(NA,100*4),c(lower_VB)),
  upper       = c(c(upper_Gibbs),rep(NA,100*4),c(upper_VB)),
  sequenceGAD = rep(sequenceGAD,3*4)*sd(dde$GAD) + mean(dde$GAD),
  DDE.points  = rep(rep(DDE.points,each=100),3)*sd(dde$DDE)+ mean(dde$DDE),
  Algorithm   = c(rep("Gibbs sampler",4*100),rep("ECM",4*100),rep("Variational Bayes",4*100))

data.plot2 <- data.frame(
  GAD = rep(c(dde$GAD[which(dde$DDE < 20.505)],
        dde$GAD[which(dde$DDE >= 20.505 & dde$DDE < 41.08)],
        dde$GAD[which(dde$DDE >= 41.08 & dde$DDE < 79.6)],
        dde$GAD[which(dde$DDE > 79.6)]),3),
  DDE.points = rep(c(rep(12.57,sum(dde$DDE < 20.505)),
        rep(28.44,sum(dde$DDE >= 20.505 & dde$DDE < 41.08)),
        rep(53.72,sum(dde$DDE >= 41.08 & dde$DDE < 79.6)),
        rep(105.47,sum(dde$DDE > 79.6))),3),
  Algorithm = c(rep("Gibbs sampler",nrow(dde)),rep("ECM",nrow(dde)),rep("Variational Bayes",nrow(dde)))

ggplot(data=data.plot) + geom_line(aes(x=sequenceGAD,y=prediction)) + facet_grid(Algorithm~ DDE.points,scales="free_y") + ylab("Density") + geom_ribbon(alpha=0.4,aes(x=sequenceGAD,ymin=lower,ymax=upper))  +xlab("Gestational age at delivery") + geom_histogram(data=data.plot2,aes(x=GAD,y=..density..),alpha=0.2,bins=25) + theme_bw()

Conditional probabilities of being under a threshold

Finally, we produce the conditional probability of being under a threshold T of Figure 5 of the paper

# Notice that the GAD and DDE values are reconducted to the original scale.
gibbs_cdf <- cbind(predict(fit_Gibbs,type="cdf",threshold=(33*7 - mean(dde$GAD))/sd(dde$GAD),newdata=newdata),
               predict(fit_Gibbs,type="cdf",threshold=(35*7 - mean(dde$GAD))/sd(dde$GAD),newdata=newdata),
               predict(fit_Gibbs,type="cdf",threshold=(37*7 - mean(dde$GAD))/sd(dde$GAD),newdata=newdata),
               predict(fit_Gibbs,type="cdf",threshold=(40*7 - mean(dde$GAD))/sd(dde$GAD),newdata=newdata))

vb_cdf    <- cbind(predict(fit_VB,type="cdf",threshold=(33*7 - mean(dde$GAD))/sd(dde$GAD),newdata=newdata),
               predict(fit_VB,type="cdf",threshold=(35*7 - mean(dde$GAD))/sd(dde$GAD),newdata=newdata),
               predict(fit_VB,type="cdf",threshold=(37*7 - mean(dde$GAD))/sd(dde$GAD),newdata=newdata),
               predict(fit_VB,type="cdf",threshold=(40*7 - mean(dde$GAD))/sd(dde$GAD),newdata=newdata))

ECM_cdf   <- c(predict(fit_ECM,type="cdf",threshold=(33*7 - mean(dde$GAD))/sd(dde$GAD),newdata=newdata),
               predict(fit_ECM,type="cdf",threshold=(35*7 - mean(dde$GAD))/sd(dde$GAD),newdata=newdata),
               predict(fit_ECM,type="cdf",threshold=(37*7 - mean(dde$GAD))/sd(dde$GAD),newdata=newdata),
               predict(fit_ECM,type="cdf",threshold=(40*7 - mean(dde$GAD))/sd(dde$GAD),newdata=newdata))

data.cdf  <- data.frame(DDE=rep(sequenceDDE,3*4)*sd(dde$DDE) + mean(dde$DDE),
                        Algorithm=rep(c("ECM","Gibbs sampler","Variational Bayes"),each=4*length(sequenceDDE)),
                        CDF  = c(ECM_cdf,colMeans(gibbs_cdf),colMeans(vb_cdf)),
                        Threshold = rep(rep(c("T = 33","T = 35","T = 37","T = 40"),each=length(sequenceDDE)),3),
                        Upper = c(rep(NA,4*length(sequenceDDE)),
                                  apply(gibbs_cdf,2,function(x) quantile(x,0.975)),
                                  apply(vb_cdf,2,function(x) quantile(x,0.975))),
                        Lower = c(rep(NA,4*length(sequenceDDE)),
                                  apply(gibbs_cdf,2,function(x) quantile(x,0.025)),
                                  apply(vb_cdf,2,function(x) quantile(x,0.025))))

ggplot(data=data.cdf,aes(x=DDE,y=CDF,ymin=Lower,ymax=Upper)) + geom_line() + facet_grid(Algorithm~Threshold)+ xlab("DDE (mg/L)")+ylab("Pr(Gestational Length < T)") + geom_ribbon(alpha=0.2,col="white") + theme_bw()

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