Man pages for blongworth/amstools
Provides tools for AMS data extraction and analysis

checkDBCheck odbc call returns for errors
conMICADASOpen MICADAS DB connection
conNOSAMSOpen NOSAMS DB connection
convert_micadas_snicsConvert MICADAS results to SNICS results format
get_bats_resultsGet BATS results from MICADAS DB
getdc13get info from dc13 table
getIntcalTableGet Intcal table
get_magazineGet run data for a list of magazine names.
getProcessGet the process id for a target
getProcessDescGet the process description for a target
getQCDataGet and format standards data
getQCTableGet secondary data from qc table
getRawDataGet raw ams data from database
getRawWheelGet raw data for a list of wheel names.
getRecOSGet results by recnum from os
getRecSRGet results by recnum from snics_results
getStandardsGet Standards
getStdTableGet Standards Table
getTPnumGet results by tpnum from snics_results
getWheelGet results for a list of wheel names.
getWheelInfoGet info for a wheel
getWheelStdsGet standards from a wheel
getWheelStdsSRGet standards from a wheel from snics_results
list_magazinesGet a list of MICADAS magazines
list_wheelsGet a list of wheels
make_micadas_resultsfileGet MICADAS results and write SNICS resultsfile
mungeQCTableModify and calculate fields for raw qc data.
mungeResfileProcess wheel results data frame.
mungeStandardsModify and calculate fields for raw standards data.
numRunCount wheels and runs in a time period.
read_batsRead BATS format MICADAS output from Excel files
read_fudgerRead Fudger or SNICSer Output
readResfileRead raw results data from file
readWheelfileRead a SNICS wheelfile
recReportRec_num report
store_credentialsStore DB credentials
sumWheelStdsSRWheel standards summary
write_snics_resultsWrite out tsv file in SNICS results format
blongworth/amstools documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 6:52 p.m.