Detecting and grouping adduct m/z relations among peaks in a...

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adduct.searchR Documentation

Detecting and grouping adduct m/z relations among peaks in a HRMS dataset


Algorithm for detecting m/z differences among peaks that may correspond to m/z differences among different adducts.

Usage, adducts, rttol = 0, mztol = 2,ppm = TRUE, 
use_adducts = c("M+H", "M+K", "M+Na"), ion_mode = "positive", get_pairs = FALSE)



Dataframe of HRMS peaks with three numeric columns for (a) m/z, (b) intensity and (c) retention time, such as peaklist.


Data.frame adducts or equivalent.


Retention time tolerance. Units as given in column 3 of peaklist argument, e.g. [min].


m/z tolerance setting: +/- value by which the m/z of a measured peak may vary from its expected m/z value. If parameter ppm=TRUE (see below) given in ppm, otherwise, if ppm=FALSE, in absolute m/z [u].


Should mztol be set in ppm (TRUE) or in absolute m/z (FALSE)


Vector of adducts to be screened for. Corresponds to names in the first column of adducts, thus referring to equations from the second column of adducts to be used for calculating adduct m/z differences.


"positive" or "negative".


enviMass output, please ignore.


Given a peak from the peaklist, the algorithm screens within tolerances mztol and rttol whether any other peaks may correspond to this one peak via adduct m/z differences. More precisely, the one peak m/z is reset to all possible candidate molecular mass values (M; uncharged, non-adduct). The latter are then used to calculate for all other candidate adduct peaks, which, if found, are subsequently grouped.

For example, consider use_adducts=c("M+H", "M+K"). Given the m/z-value of the one peak, two other peaks with ((m/z*z("M+H")-X("M+H"))/z("M+K"))+X("M+K") and ((m/z*z("M+K")-X("M+K"))/z("M+H"))+X("M+H") are searched for. The peak found for the first term (i.e. with "M+H" being the candidate adduct of the one peak) leads to one group of associated adduct peaks (M+H<->M+K). Another adduct peak (i.e. with "M+K" being the candidate adduct of the one peak) would lead to a second group of associated adduct peaks (M+K<->M+H). Logically, larger adduct groups than the one exemplified can be present, if argument "use_adducts" allows for it (e.g. M+H<->M+K,M+H<->M+Na,M+Na<->M+K).

For clarification, mztol states the maximum m/z deviation of a measured peak from its true value, i.e., the theoretical mass-to-charge ratio of the (often unknown) analyte adduct measured. The latter true value thus ranges +/-mztol from the measured value, leading to a lower and an upper m/z bound for this true value. These bounds are then modified by pairwise adduct m/z differences, leading to new bounds for the true value at other m/z positions. In turn, the values of measured peaks at exactly these positions can again deviate by +/-mztol from these bounds, which are hence adapted accordingly at these positions for a final search window. This entails: (a) the bounds are calculated from measured instead of true values (using ppm==TRUE, bound differences are assumed negligible between utilizing measured or true values) and (b) the final search window is larger than 2*mztol and can therefore lead to contradictory assignments (i.e., peaks B and C can be assigned to peak A for different adduct m/z differences within mztol but peaks B and C cannot be paired within mztol).


List of type adduct with 5 entries


Adducts. Dataframe with peaks (mass,intensity,rt,peak ID) and their adduct relations (to ID,adduct(s),mass tolerance,charge level) within adduct groups (group ID,interaction level).


Parameters. Parameters used.


Peaks in adduct groups.Dataframe listing all peaks (peak IDs) for an adduct group (group ID) and the individual adducts found in that group (adducts).


Number of adducts. Counts of hits per adduct over all adduct groups found.


Overlaps. Count on how many peaks were assigned to be two different adducts


Peak IDs refer to the order in which peaks are provided. Different IDs exist for adduct groups, isotope pattern groups, grouped homologue series (HS) peaks and homologue series cluster. Yet other IDs exist for the individual components (see note section of combine).

The same peak may appear as different adducts in column adduct[[1]][,7], indicating a conflict in assigning the correct adduct. Beware, some adduct combinations from adducts may lead to the same results (e.g. M+H<->M+Na vs M+3H<->M+3Na).


Martin Loos

See Also

rm.sat adducts peaklist plotadduct combine plotgroup


# load required data: ################################
# HRMS peak list: ####################################
# list of adducts ####################################
# run grouping of peaks for different adducts ########
# of the same candidate molecule #####################
# plot results #######################################

blosloos/nontarget documentation built on June 2, 2022, 3:53 p.m.