GetAlgoParams: GetAlgoParams

View source: R/GetAlgoParams.R

GetAlgoParamsR Documentation



Get control parameters for optim_SQGDE function.


  n_particles = NULL,
  n_diff = 2,
  n_iter = 1000,
  init_sd = 0.01,
  init_center = 0,
  n_cores_use = 1,
  step_size = NULL,
  jitter_size = 1e-06,
  crossover_rate = 1,
  parallel_type = "none",
  return_trace = FALSE,
  thin = 1,
  purify = Inf,
  adapt_scheme = NULL,
  give_up_init = 100,
  stop_check = 10,
  stop_tol = 1e-04,
  converge_crit = "stdev"



The number of parameters estimated/optimized, this integer value NEEDS to be specified.


The number of particles (population size), 3*n_params is the default value.


The number of mutually exclusive vector pairs to stochastically approximate the gradient.


The number of iterations to run the algorithm, 1000 is default.


A positive scalar or n_params-dimensional numeric vector, determines the standard deviation of the Gaussian initialization distribution. The default value is 0.01.


A scalar or n_params-dimensional numeric vector, determines the mean of the Gaussian initialization distribution. The default value is 0.


An integer specifying the number of cores used when using parallelization. The default value is 1.


A positive scalar, jump size or "F" in the DE crossover step notation. The default value is 2.38/sqrt(2*n_params).


A positive scalar that determines the jitter (noise) size. Noise is added during adaption step from Uniform(-jitter_size,jitter_size) distribution. 1e-6 is the default value. Set to 0 to turn off jitter.


A numeric scalar on the interval (0,1]. Determines the probability a parameter on a chain is updated on a given crossover step, sampled from a Bernoulli distribution. The default value is 1.


A string specifying parallelization type. 'none','FORK', or 'PSOCK' are valid values. 'none' is default value. 'FORK' does not work with Windows OS.


A boolean, if true, the function returns particle trajectories. This is helpful for assessing convergence or debugging model code. The trace will be an iteration/thin $x$ n_particles $x$ n_params array containing parameter values and an iteration/thin $x$ n_particles array containing particle weights.


A positive integer. Only every 'thin'-th iteration will be stored in memory. The default value is 1. Increasing thin will reduce the memory required when running the algorithim for longer.


A positive integer. On every 'purify'-th iteration the particle weights are recomputed. This is useful if the objective function is stochastic/noisy. If the objective function is deterministic, this computation is redundant. Purify is set to Inf by default, disabling it.


A string that must be 'rand','current', or 'best' that determines the DE adaption scheme/strategy. 'rand' uses rand/1/bin DE-like scheme where a random particle and the particle-based quasi-gradient approximation are used to generate proposal updates for a given particle. 'current' uses current/1/bin, and 'best' uses best/1/bin which follow an analogous adaption scheme to rand. 'rand' is the default value.


An integer for how many failed initialization attempts before stopping the optimization routine. 100 is the default value.


An integer for how often to check the convergence criterion. The default is 10 iterations.


A convergence metric must be less than value to be labeled as converged. The default is 1e-4.


A string denoting the convergence metric used, valid metrics are 'stdev' (standard deviation of population weight in the last stop_check iterations) and 'percent' (percent improvement in median particle weight in the last stop_check iterations). 'stdev' is the default.


A list of control parameters for the optim_SQGDE function.

bmgaldo/graDiEnt documentation built on Dec. 13, 2024, 7:59 p.m.