Build Notes

Personal notes for synchronizing to a new version of underlying C library.

For Cubature

  1. Download tagged tar.gz release
  2. Replace clencurt.h with version generated using M=16 rather than the default M=19. Easiest to copy our version of clencurt.h over
  3. Move Makefile to Makefile.orig
  4. Move in Makefile from our previous version over
  5. Copy over any includes in the new C library release
  6. Rest as usual

For Cuba

This is now moved to a separate repo, allowing me to track the changes that Thomas Hahn makes.

The changes needed for an R package are in the R_pkg branch and we use that branch as submodule here, with Unix-like systems being the default. Any changes to Windows system are isolated in the Cuba-win directory and copied over using

bnaras/cubature documentation built on July 14, 2024, 12:18 a.m.