Man pages for bnaras/distcomp
Computations over Distributed Data without Aggregation

availableComputationsReturn the currently available (implemented) computations
availableDataSourcesReturn currently implemented data sources
CoxMasterCreate a master object to control 'CoxWorker' worker objects
CoxWorkerR6 class for object to use as a worker with 'CoxMaster'...
createHEWorkerInstanceGiven the definition identifier of an object, instantiate and...
createNCPInstanceGiven the definition identifier of an object, instantiate and...
createWorkerInstanceGiven the definition identifier of an object, instantiate and...
dccoxphFunctions copied and modified from survival package
defineNewComputationDefine a new computation
destroyInstanceObjectDestroy an instance object given its identifier
distcompDistributed Computing with R
distcomp-internalMake an appropriate opencpu URL for a specified function and...
distcompSetupSetup a workspace and configuration for a distributed...
executeHEMethodGiven the id of a serialized object, invoke a method on the...
executeMethodGiven the id of a serialized object, invoke a method on the...
generateIdGenerate an identifier for an object
getComputationInfoGet the value of a variable from the global store
getConfigReturn the workspace and configuration setup values
HEMasterCreate a HEMaster process for use in a distributed...
HEQueryCountMasterCreate a homomorphic computation query count master object to...
HEQueryCountWorkerCreate a homomorphic computation query count worker object...
makeDefinitionMake a computation definition given the computation type
makeHEMasterInstantiate a master process for HE operations
makeMasterMake a master object given a definition
makeNCPInstantiate an noncooperating party
makeWorkerMake a worker object given a definition and data
NCPR6 object to use as non-cooperating party in a distributed...
QueryCountMasterCreate a master object to control worker objects generated by...
QueryCountWorkerR6 worker object for use as a worker with master objects...
resetComputationInfoClear the contents of the global store
runDistcompAppRun a specified distcomp web application
saveNewComputationSave a computation instance, given the computation...
saveNewNCPSave an NCP instance, given the sites as associated data and...
setComputationInfoSet a name to a value in a global variable
setupMasterSetup a computation master
setupWorkerSetup a worker site
SVDMasterR6 class for SVD master object to control worker objects...
SVDWorkerR6 class for a SVD worker object to use with master objects...
uploadNewComputationUpload a new computation and data to an opencpu server
uploadNewNCPUpload a new Non-Cooperating Party (NCP) information and...
writeCodeWrite the code necessary to run a master process
bnaras/distcomp documentation built on July 5, 2024, 4:28 p.m.