
#' @title Extensions to work with the analogsea package. Currently only to use ggmap::geocode at DigitalOcean
#' @description Extensions to work with the analogsea package. Currently only to use ggmap::geocode at DigitalOcean.
#' @name analogsea.ext-package 
#' @aliases analogsea.ext analogsea.ext-package
#' @docType package 
#' @importFrom analogsea droplet_create droplet_delete droplet_ssh droplet_upload droplet_download droplet_execute install_r_package droplet_power_off droplet_snapshot action_wait droplet_snapshots_list
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom ggmap geocode
bnosac/analogsea.ext documentation built on May 12, 2019, 11:27 p.m.