mattR, bare bones web framework

mattR is a bare bones web framework that aims to give you complete control over your app.

At the moment mattR doesn't concern itself with models so you could say it is a View-Tempate (MV) framework.


Install mattR from GitHub using devtools, load the package and create a skeleton for your app.



After creating the app using skeleton() you need to create routes and views for your app.

Application routes must be defined in routes.R as a list of vectors named routes as follows

routes <- list(
  c("^/todo$", genericView(todo)),
  c("^/admin$", templateView(admin)),
  c("^/login$", genericView(login)),
  c("^/.*$", staticView(file.path(getwd(), "static/"), "/"))

where the *View functions are defined by mattR.

The first element of the list is used to match the path of the url and the second element is (after evaluation) a function that takes returns the response.

Optionally, a file init.R can be defined which runs when mattR is started to setup the application. By convention, the result of source()'-ing this file is put in a list appState which will be attach()ed to the search path.


Example application can be found in mattR_examples.

bobjansen/mattR documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:57 p.m.