Man pages for bobverity/Rgeoprofile
Geographic profiling in R

CholeraCholera data
geoDataCreate Rgeoprofile data object
geoDataCheckCheck data
geoDataSourceCreate sources data object in same format as observations
geoMaskIncorporate shapefile or raster information into a geoprofile
geoMCMCMCMC under Rgeoprofile model
geoModelSourcesExtract latitude and longitude of points identified as...
geoParamsCreate Rgeoprofile parameters object
geoParamsCheckCheck parameters
geoPerspPerspective plot of geoprofile or raw probabilities
geoPlotAllocationPlot posterior allocation
geoPlotCoallocationCalculate and plot probability of coallocation
geoPlotLorenzProduce Lorenz Plot
geoPlotMapPlot a map and overlay data and/or geoprofile
geoPlotSigmaPlot prior and posterior distributions of sigma.
geoProfileCalculate geoprofile from surface
geoReportHitscoresCalculate hitscores
geoRingProduces a surface based on an alternative ring-search...
geoShapefileImport shapefile
geoSmoothProduce a smooth surface using 2D kernel density smoothing
latlon_to_bearingConvert lat-lon to bearing
LondonExample_crimesExample London crimes
LondonExample_sourcesExample London sources
rDPMDraw from Dirichlet process mixture model
RgeoProfileRgeoProfile: Dirichlet Process Mixture (DPM) model of...
unknownPleasuresUnknown pleasures
WaterPumpsCholera sources
bobverity/Rgeoprofile documentation built on May 12, 2019, 11:28 p.m.