Man pages for bocinsky/guedesbocinsky2018
Research Compendium for d'Alpoim Guedes and Bocinsky (2018)

annualizeSum a GHCN record over a set of months to generate annual...
calcDailyMeanSDThis function smooths periodic (annual) data in the GHCN...
calcGapCutoffCalculates the empirical cumulative distribution function.
calcGDDA function to calculate GDD, given daily maximum and minimum...
climate_plotterPlot climatology for a GHCN station and element (variable).
distillUse ghostscript to distill a PDF, possibly to grayscale.
filledContourAddAdd a filled contour to a plot.
getMissingRLEGet the run length encoding of joint NAs in the climate...
get_restricted_site_dataGet the restricted archaeological site and chronometric data...
get_restricted_vegetation_atlas_dataGet the restricted vegetation_atlas data from tDAR
ghcnCleanerCleans ghcn data by four iterated processes.
prepare_ghcnDownload and clean daily climate records from the Global...
prepare_marcottDownload and prepare data from Mann et al. 2008 and Marcott...
rewrapRowsA function that rewraps a vector into a matrix.
sdModulatorModulate a record by a deviation of its standard score.
space_time_plotA space-time plot.
space_time_videoA space-time video
unwrapRowsA function that unwraps a matrix and only keeps the first n...
bocinsky/guedesbocinsky2018 documentation built on May 3, 2019, 8:59 p.m.