
Defines functions get_reconstruction_matrix

Documented in get_reconstruction_matrix

#' Get a matrix of predictors for a reconstruction
#' This subsets a chronologies matrix to a set of reconstruction years.
#' @param chronologies A matrix of predictors to be subset.
#' Columns are predictors, rows are years.
#' @param reconstruction.years A vector of years to be reconstructed.
#' If missing, will use all years in \code{chronologies}.
#' @param min.width integer, indicating the minimum number of tree-ring samples allowed for that year of a chronology to be valid.
#' @return A matrix of predictors for a reconstruction.
get_reconstruction_matrix <- function(chronologies,reconstruction.years=NULL,min.width=NULL){
  YEARS <- as.numeric(rownames(chronologies[['widths']]))
    reconstruction.years <- YEARS
    chronologies[['widths']][chronologies[['depths']] < min.width] <- NA
  reconstruction.matrix <- chronologies[['widths']][YEARS %in% reconstruction.years,]
#   rownames(reconstruction.matrix) <- reconstruction.matrix$YEAR
#   reconstruction.matrix <- reconstruction.matrix[,-1]
bocinsky/paleocar documentation built on June 2, 2024, 4:12 a.m.