


library("seewave") ## For KL divergence only

knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = TRUE, message=FALSE)

Problem definition

(Code to create the logged alpha vectors; cached & not evaluated, very slow)

log_dir = "."

## Parameters from nimble's maximum likelihood estimate
K = 0.9903371
r = 0.05699246
sigma_g = 0.01720091

states <- seq(0,1.2, length=100) # Vector of all possible states
actions <- seq(0,.8, length=100)   # Vector of actions: harvest
obs <- states
reward_fn <- function(x,h) pmin(x,h)

## Detect available memory (linux servers only)
memory <- round(0.95 * as.numeric(gsub(".* (\\d+) .*", "\\1", system("cat /proc/meminfo", intern=TRUE)[1])) / 1000)

## Create a data frame of all parameter combinations to be run, along with fixed parameters
vars <- expand.grid(r = seq(0.025, 0.2, by =0.025), sigma_m = c(0.1, 0.3, 0.6))
fixed <- data.frame(model = "ricker", sigma_g = sigma_g, discount = 0.99, 
                    precision = 0.0000001, K = K, C = NA,  max_state = max(states),
                    max_obs = max(obs), max_action = max(actions), min_state = min(states),
                    min_obs = min(obs), min_action = min(actions), memory = memory)
models <- data.frame(vars, fixed)

## Compute alphas for the above examples
for(i in 1:dim(models)[1]) {
## Select the model
  f <- switch(models[i, "model"], 
    allen = sarsop:::allen(models[i, "r"], models[i, "K"], models[i, "C"]),
    ricker = sarsop:::ricker(models[i, "r"], models[i, "K"])
## Determine the matrices
  m <- sarsop::fisheries_matrices(states, actions, obs, reward_fn, f = f, 
                          sigma_g = models[i, "sigma_g"], sigma_m  = models[i, "sigma_m"])
## record data for the log
  log_data <- models
## run sarsop
  alpha <- sarsop::sarsop(m$transition, m$observation, m$reward, 
                        discount = models[i, "discount"], 
                        precision = models[i, "precision"], 
                        memory = models[i, "memory"],
                        log_dir = log_dir, 
                        log_data = log_data,
                        timeout = 5000)


Identify available solutions in the log that match the desired parameters

meta <- sarsop::meta_from_log(data.frame(model ="ricker", sigma_m = 0.3), log_dir)

Read in the POMDP problem specification from the log

setup <- meta[1,]
states <- seq(0, setup$max_state, length=setup$n_states) # Vector of all possible states
actions <- seq(0, setup$max_action, length=setup$n_actions)   # Vector of actions: harvest
obs <- states
sigma_g <- setup$sigma_g
sigma_m <- setup$sigma_m
reward_fn <- function(x,h) pmin(x,h)
discount <- setup$discount 
models <- models_from_log(meta, reward_fn)
alphas <- alphas_from_log(meta, log_dir)

reformat model solutions for use by the MDP functions as well:

transitions <- lapply(models, `[[`, "transition")
reward <- models[[1]]$reward
observation <- models[[1]]$observation

Verfication & Validation

Examine the policies from POMDP/PLUS solutions

Compute the deterministic optimum solution:

f <- f_from_log(meta)[[1]]
S_star <- optimize(function(x) x / discount - f(x,0), c(min(states),max(states)))$minimum
h <- pmax(states - S_star,  0)
policy <- sapply(h, function(h) which.min((abs(h - actions))))
det <- data.frame(policy, value = 1:length(states), state = 1:length(states))

Compare a uniform prior to individial cases:

prior <- numeric(length(models))
prior[1] <- 1
low <-  compute_plus_policy(alphas, models, prior)

prior <- numeric(length(models))
prior[2] <- 1
true <-  compute_plus_policy(alphas, models, prior)

prior <- numeric(length(models))
prior[length(models)] <- 1
high <-  compute_plus_policy(alphas, models, prior)

unif <- compute_plus_policy(alphas, models) # e.g. 'planning only'
df <- dplyr::bind_rows(low = low, unif = unif, high = high, det = det, true = true, .id = "prior")

ggplot(df, aes(states[state], states[state] - actions[policy], col = prior, pch = prior)) + 
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5, size = 3) + 

boettiger-lab/pomdpplus documentation built on May 24, 2019, 3:05 a.m.