
library("seewave") ## For KL divergence only

knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = FALSE, message=FALSE)

Identify available solutions in the log that match the desired parameters

log_dir <- ""
meta <- appl::meta_from_log(data.frame(n_states = 50), log_dir) %>% arrange(r)

Read in the POMDP problem specification from the log

## globals
setup <- meta[1,]
states <- seq(0, setup$max_state, length=setup$n_states) # Vector of all possible states
actions <- states
obs <- states
sigma_g <- setup$sigma_g
discount <- setup$discount

n_models <- length(unique(meta$r))
true_i <- 2

load_model <- function(meta, log_dir){
setup <- meta[1,]
states <- seq(0, setup$max_state, length=setup$n_states) # Vector of all possible states
reward_fn <- function(x,h) pmin(x,h)
models <- models_from_log(meta, reward_fn)

  meta = meta,
  models = models,
  alphas = alphas_from_log(meta, log_dir),
  ## reformat model solutions for use by the MDP functions as well:
  transitions = lapply(models, `[[`, "transition"),
  reward = models[[1]]$reward,
  observation = models[[1]]$observation)
include_det <- function(m){
  f <- f_from_log(m$meta)[[1]]
  S_star <- optimize(function(x) x / discount - f(x,0), c(min(states),max(states)))$minimum
  h <- pmax(states - S_star,  0)
  policy <- sapply(h, function(h) which.min((abs(h - actions))))
  m$det <- data.frame(policy, value = 1:length(states), state = 1:length(states))

Examine MDP

compare_mdp_by_prior <- function(m){

  unif <- mdp_compute_policy(m$transitions, m$reward, discount)
  ## delta fn at 1st value
  prior <- numeric(n_models)
  prior[1] <- 1
  low <- mdp_compute_policy(m$transitions, m$reward, discount, prior)
  # delta fn at true value (2nd r)
  prior <- numeric(n_models)
  prior[2] <- 1
  true <- mdp_compute_policy(m$transitions, m$reward, discount, prior)

  bind_rows(unif = unif, low = low, true = true, det = m$det, .id = "prior") 
# Avoid repeating creation of scenarios. sigma_m levels become names of list, s
get_models <- function(x) x %>% arrange(r) %>% load_model(log_dir) %>% include_det()
meta %>% split(.$sigma_m) %>% map(get_models) -> m

MDP policies

(MDP policies do not vary with sigma_m)

## Now we can do mdp results: 
m[[1]] %>% compare_mdp_by_prior %>%
ggplot(aes(states[state], states[state] - actions[policy], col = prior)) + geom_line() 

Examine the policies from POMDP/PLUS solutions

Compare a uniform prior to individial cases:

compare_pomdp_by_prior <- function(m){
  prior <- numeric(n_models)
  prior[1] <- 1
  low <-  compute_plus_policy(m$alphas, m$models, prior)
  prior <- numeric(n_models)
  prior[2] <- 1
  true <-  compute_plus_policy(m$alphas, m$models, prior)
  unif <- compute_plus_policy(m$alphas, m$models) # e.g. 'planning only'
  prior <- numeric(n_models)
  prior[length(prior)] <- 1
  high <-  compute_plus_policy(m$alphas, m$models, prior)
  df <- dplyr::bind_rows(low = low, true=true, unif = unif, high = high, det = m$det, .id = "prior")
## Now we can do mdp results: 
m %>% map_df(compare_pomdp_by_prior, .id = "sigma_m") -> df
df %>% ggplot(aes(states[state], states[state] - actions[policy], col = prior)) + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~sigma_m)



Historical catch and stock

y <- sapply(scaled_data$y, function(y) which.min(abs(states - y)))
a <- sapply(scaled_data$a, function(a) which.min(abs(actions - a)))
Tmax <- length(y)

to_mt <- max(bluefin_tuna$total) # 1178363 # scaling factor for data
states_mt <- to_mt * states
actions_mt <- to_mt * actions
year <- 1952:2009
future <- 2009:2067
hindcasts <- function(m){

list(plus_hindcast = compare_plus(models = m$models, discount = discount,
                              obs = y, action = a, alphas = m$alphas),
     mdp_hindcast = mdp_historical(m$transitions, m$reward, discount, state = y, action = a))


hindcast_policies <- function(m){
left_join(rename(m$plus_hindcast$df, plus = optimal, state = obs),  
          rename(m$mdp_hindcast$df, mdp = optimal)) %>%
mutate("actual catch" = actions_mt[action], 
       "estimated stock" = states_mt[state], 
       plus = actions_mt[plus], 
       mdp = actions_mt[mdp], 
       time = year[time]) %>%
       select(-state, -action) %>%
gather(variable, stock, -time) 
m %>% map(hindcasts) -> s_hindcasts

s_hindcasts %>% map_df(hindcast_policies, .id = "sigma_m") -> df
df %>% ggplot(aes(time, stock, color = variable)) + geom_line(lwd=1) + facet_wrap(~sigma_m)

Compare rates of learning

# delta function for true model distribution
h_star = array(0,dim = n_models) 
h_star[true_i] = 1
## Fn for the base-2 KL divergence from true model, in a friendly format
kl2 <- function(value) seewave::kl.dist(value, h_star, base = 2)[[2]]

learning <- function(m){
bind_rows(plus = m$plus_hindcast$model_posterior,
          mdp = m$mdp_hindcast$posterior, 
          .id = "method") %>%
mutate(time = year[rep(1:Tmax,2)], rep = 1) %>%
gather(model, value, -time, -rep, -method) %>%
group_by(time, rep, method) %>% 
summarise(kl = kl2(value))

s_hindcasts %>% map_df(learning, .id="sigma_m") %>%
ggplot(aes(time, kl, col = method)) + 
stat_summary(geom="line", fun.y = mean, lwd = 1) + facet_wrap(~sigma_m)

Final beliefs

Show the final belief over models for pomdp and mdp:

final_belief <- function(m)
  bind_rows(plus = m$plus_hindcast$model_posterior[Tmax,],
            mdp = m$mdp_hindcast$posterior[Tmax,], 
            .id = "method")

s_hindcasts %>% map_df(final_belief, .id="sigma_m") %>% gather(r, prob, -sigma_m, -method) %>%
  ggplot(aes(r, prob, fill = method)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", position = "dodge") + facet_wrap(~sigma_m) 

Forecast simulations under PLUS and MDP-learning

All forecasts start from final stock, go forward an equal length of time:

x0 <- y[length(y)] # Final stock, 
Tmax <- length(y)

Note also that forecasts start with the prior belief over states and prior belief over models that was determined from the historical data.
We also simulate replicates under MDP learning (with observation uncertainty).

mc.cores <- 1
forecasts <- function(m, s){
list(plus_forecast = plus_replicate(40, 
               sim_plus(models = m$models, discount = discount,
                        model_prior = as.numeric(s$plus_hindcast$model_posterior[length(y), ]),
                        state_prior = as.numeric(s$plus_hindcast$state_posterior[length(y), ]),
                        x0 = x0, Tmax = Tmax, true_model = m$models[[true_i]], alphas = m$alphas), 
               mc.cores = mc.cores),
     mdp_forecast = plus_replicate(40, 
               mdp_learning(transition = m$transitions, reward = m$reward, 
                            model_prior = as.numeric(s$mdp_hindcast$posterior[length(y),]),
                            discount = discount, x0 = x0,  Tmax = Tmax,
                            true_transition = m$transitions[[true_i]], 
                            observation = m$models[[true_i]]$observation),
               mc.cores = mc.cores))


s_forecasts <- map2(m, s_hindcasts, forecasts)

Compare forecasts

historical <- bluefin_tuna[c("tsyear", "total", "catch_landings")] %>% 
  rename(time = tsyear, state = total, action = catch_landings) %>% 
  mutate(method = "historical")

combine_forecasts <- function(s){
bind_rows(plus = s$plus_forecast$df, 
          mdp = s$mdp_forecast$df,
          .id = "method")  %>% 
select(-value, -obs) %>% 
mutate(state = states_mt[state], action = actions_mt[action], time = future[time]) %>% 
bind_rows(historical) %>%
rename("catch (MT)" = action, "stock (MT)" = state) %>%  
gather(variable, stock, -time, -rep, -method)

s_forecasts %>% map_df(combine_forecasts, .id = "sigma_m") -> df

df %>%
ggplot(aes(time, stock)) + 
  geom_line(aes(group = interaction(rep,method), color = method), alpha=0.2) +
  stat_summary(aes(color = method), geom="line", fun.y = mean, lwd=1) +
  stat_summary(aes(fill = method), geom="ribbon", = mean_sdl, fun.args = list(mult=1), alpha = 0.25) + 
  facet_grid(sigma_m ~ variable, scales = "free_y")

Convergence testing

(only evaluate if log has intermediate policies)

inter <- appl:::intermediates_from_log(meta, log_dir = log_dir)

if(length(inter[[1]]) > 0){
df1 <- 
purrr::map_df(1:length(models), function(j){
  alphas <- inter[[j]]
  m <- models[[j]]
  purrr::map_df(1:length(alphas), function(i)
    compute_policy(alphas[[i]], m$transition, m$observation, m$reward),
    .id = "intermediate") 
}, .id = "model_id")

df1 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(states[state], states[state] - actions[policy], col=intermediate)) + 
  geom_line() + 
  facet_wrap(~model_id, scales = "free") + 
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,0.5))

boettiger-lab/pomdpplus documentation built on May 24, 2019, 3:05 a.m.