botanyhelp/Remdata: Disasters wordwide from 1900-2008 data frame

Data frame of a comprehensive listing of of over 17,000 disasters, natural and otherwise, from around the globe. emdat stores dates as 00002008 for a disaster that occurred in the entire year of 2008..such dates were changed to 20080101 YMD only one function exists, disasters_bycountry() sum(Remdat$Killed,na.rm=T) sum(as.numeric(Remdat$Cost),na.rm=T) levels(as.factor(Remdat$Country)) names(Remdat) library(lubridate) ymd(Remdat[1,]$Start) sum(disasters_bycountry("China P Rep")$Killed,na.rm=T)

Getting started

Package details

LicenseThe EM-DAT database has been made available for unrestricted access free of charge by UCL so that anyone with a query can obtain information.
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
botanyhelp/Remdata documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:27 a.m.