Man pages for boyuren158/DirFactor
Dependent Dirichlet processes factor model for nonparametric ordination fo microbiome data

ConvDiagnosisCalculate Rhat statistic and generate traceplots for MCMC...
DirFactorGibbs sampler for Depedent Dirichlet factor model.
PlotClusteringPlot posterior probability of pairwise classification based...
PlotStatisPlot ordination results with credible regions based on...
SimDirFactorBlockGenerate synthetic OTU abundance table from DirFactor model...
SimDirFactorContourGenerate synthetic OTU abundance table from DirFactor model...
SimDirFactorCustomGenerate synthetic OTU table from DirFactor model using...
SimDirFactorSymGenerate synthetic OTU abundance table from DirFactor model...
boyuren158/DirFactor documentation built on May 13, 2019, 1:38 a.m.