Man pages for bozenne/BuyseTest
Generalized Pairwise Comparisons Performance Objet to data.table
aucEstimation of the Area Under the ROC Curve (EXPERIMENTAL)
autoplot-S4BuyseTestGraphical Display for GPC
brierEstimation of the Brier Score (EXPERIMENTAL)
BuyseMultCompAdjustment for Multiple Comparisons
BuyseTestTwo-group GPC
BuyseTest.optionsGlobal options for BuyseTest package
BuyseTest.options-classClass "BuyseTest.options" (global setting for the BuyseTest...
BuyseTest.options-methodsMethods for the class "BuyseTest.options"
BuyseTest-packageBuyseTest package: Generalized Pairwise Comparisons
BuyseTTEMTime to Event Model
calcIntegralSurv2_cppC++ Function pre-computing the Integral Terms for the Peron...
CasinoTestMulti-group GPC (EXPERIMENTAL)
coef.BuyseTestAucExtract the AUC Value
coef.BuyseTestBrierExtract the Brier Score
confint.BuyseTestAucExtract the AUC value with its Confidence Interval
confint.BuyseTestBrierExtract the Brier Score with its Confidence Interval
constStrataStrata creation
dot-calcIntegralCif_cppC++ Function Computing the Integral Terms for the Peron...
dot-calcIntegralSurv_cppC++ Function Computing the Integral Terms for the Peron...
dot-colCenter_cppSubstract a vector of values in each column
dot-colCumSum_cppColumn-wise cumulative sum
dot-colMultiply_cppMultiply by a vector of values in each column
dot-colScale_cppDivide by a vector of values in each column
dot-rowCenter_cppSubstract a vector of values in each row
dot-rowCumProd_cppApply cumprod in each row
dot-rowCumSum_cppRow-wise cumulative sum
dot-rowMultiply_cppMultiply by a vector of values in each row
dot-rowScale_cppDividy by a vector of values in each row
GPC_cppC++ function performing the pairwise comparison over several...
iid.BuyseTestAucExtract the idd Decomposition for the AUC
iid.BuyseTestBrierExtract the idd Decomposition for the Brier Score
iid.prodlimExtract i.i.d. decomposition from a prodlim model
performanceAssess Performance of a Classifier
performanceResampleUncertainty About Performance of a Classifier (EXPERIMENTAL)
plot-sensitivityGraphical Display for Sensitivity Analysis
powerBuyseTestPerforming simulation studies with BuyseTest
predict.BuyseTTEMPrediction with Time to Event Model
rbind.performanceCombine Resampling Results For Performance Objects
S4BuysePower-classClass "S4BuysePower" (output of BuyseTest)
S4BuysePower-model.tablesExtract Summary for Class "S4BuysePower"
S4BuysePower-nobsSample Size for Class "S4BuysePower"
S4BuysePower-printPrint Method for Class "S4BuysePower"
S4BuysePower-summarySummary Method for Class "S4BuysePower"
S4BuyseTest-classClass "S4BuyseTest" (output of BuyseTest)
S4BuyseTest-coefExtract Summary Statistics from GPC
S4BuyseTest-confintExtract Confidence Interval from GPC
S4BuyseTest-getCountExtract the Number of Favorable, Unfavorable, Neutral,...
S4BuyseTest-getIidExtract the H-decomposition of the Estimator
S4BuyseTest-getPairScoreExtract the Score of Each Pair
S4BuyseTest-getPseudovalueExtract the pseudovalues of the Estimator
S4BuyseTest-getSurvivalExtract the Survival and Survival Jumps
S4BuyseTest-model.tablesExtract Summary for Class "S4BuyseTest"
S4BuyseTest-nobsSample Size for Class "S4BuyseTest"
S4BuyseTest-plotGraphical Display for GPC
S4BuyseTest-printPrint Method for Class "S4BuyseTest"
S4BuyseTest-sensitivitySensitivity Analysis for the Choice of the Thresholds
S4BuyseTest-showShow Method for Class "S4BuysePower"
S4BuyseTest-summarySummary Method for Class "S4BuyseTest"
simBuyseTestSimulation of data for the BuyseTest
simCompetingRisksSimulation of Gompertz competing risks data for the BuyseTest
summary.performanceSummary Method for Performance Objects
validFCTsCheck Arguments of a function.
bozenne/BuyseTest documentation built on Feb. 16, 2024, 5:35 a.m.