Man pages for bozenne/butils.base
Tools to source R code or install R packages

buildPackageIntegrative function for building packages
butils.base-packagebutils.base package
cleanDirRemove directory
crlf2lfNormalize .cpp files
dependencyPackageExtract the Names of the Dependences of a Package
DIMDimensions of an Object
extractRchunkExtract code chunks from an .org file
extractSectionFromRDExtract sections from an .rd file
installGithubCommitInstall commit
listDocArgsGet all the arguments from the Rd files
NAMESNames of an Object
object2scriptDisplay the Source Code Corresponding to an Object
pathGitHubFind GitHub directory
readDescriptionLoad description file
readGithubCommitExisting commits
readHtmlLinkslinks of a url page
revTracebackGet and Print Call Stacks (reverse order)
sinkDirectoryImport All .rds Files in a Directory.
sourcePackageSource a package directory
UNIQUEUnique Elements of an Object
validFCTsCheck argument in functions
writeCollatewrite cpllate field
writeDatewrite date field
writeDescriptionUpdate description file
bozenne/butils.base documentation built on May 13, 2024, 12:20 p.m.