Man pages for bozenne/butils
Various useful functions

addActivityAdd a new entry to the account.
addMatchAdd a new match to the account
addNickNameAdd nick name to the account.
as.bootConvertion to boot object
autoplot.breakpointDisplay Regression Line and Observations
autoplot.conditionalCIDisplay Conditional Confidence Intervals
autoplot.LoABland and Altman Plot with Limits of Agreement
autoplot.partialResidualsDisplay an first order interaction for categorical variables
autoplot.riskIDMGraphical display for For Illness Death Model
boot2pvalueCompute the p.value from the distribution under H1
bootPbCopy of 'boot::boot' with progress bar
bootRegPerform bootstrap computation on an object
breakpointFind One or Two Breakpoints
butils-packagebutils package
calcR2Compute the R square using the predicted values
calregRegression On Unobserved Exposure Using Calibration.
compMeanPermutation Test for the Mean
conditionalCIConditional confidence interval
confint.conditionalCIConditional confidence interval
cor.testDTPerform pairwise correlation tests between matrix columns
createAccountCreate an empty account
cvCheckTest the sensibility of the lvm estimate to the...
descriptiveTableDescriptive Table for Continuous, Categorical, and Date...
dicreteRootDichotomic search for monotone function
DIMDimensions of an Object
dot-allPermutationGenerate all possible permutations
dot-pairedttestFast Paired t-test
extractRchunkExtract code chunks from an .org file
FUN.predictprediction function for partialResiduals
ggCorDisplay correlation/covariance matrix
ggHeatmapDisplay pairwise correlation
ggResPlotResidual plot using ggplot2
ggSurvSurvival curve using ggplot2
glmEffEfficient Group Comparison Using Baseline Adjustment
identifyOutlierIdentify outlier
launchBatchLaunching batch
lmBoxCoxBox Cox transformation for linear models
LoALimits of Agreement
logPower_ttestPower Calculation For t-tests on Log-Transformed Data
lvm2corCovariance To Correlation Coefficient in LVM
massLMorLVMMultiple Linear Regressions or Single LVM
massTtestCIMass t-tests with conditional inference
matchPairMcNemar Test for non-Independant Observations
matrixTriangleExtract or replace the upper/lower triangular portion of a...
mcrGamMonotone cr spline
model.tables.riskIDMExtract Probabilities From IDM
multcomp2tableGather P-values and Confidence Intervals in a Table.
NAMESNames of an Object
normalizeTransform a variable to obtain approximate normality
object2scriptDisplay the Source Code Corresponding to an Object
pairedCompMeanPermutation Test for the Mean with Paired Data
partialCorrelationCompute the Partial Correlation Between the Outcome and a...
partialResidualsCompute partial residuals for linear and linear mixed models.
permlmePermutation test for fixed effects of a linear mixed model.
plot.detectOutlierplot function for detectOutlier objects
print.descriptiveTablePrint Function for the Descriptive Table
qqplot2QQplot for the Residuals of a LVM Object
reshapeIDMWide to Long Format For Illness Death Model
residplotPlot the Residuals of a LVM Object
riskIDMEstimate an Illness Death Model
scaleOutlierRobust scaling
scanOutlierSearch potential outliers
sim2DimageSimulate a 2D Image
sinkDirectoryImport All .rds Files in a Directory.
summary.bootRegDisplay the result fo the bootstrap computation
summary.butilsAccountSummarizing an account.
summary.cvlvmSummary function associated with cvCheck
tryWithWarningsRun an expression and catch warnings and errors
UNIQUEUnique Elements of an Object
WaldTestTesting independent linear hypotheses using a Wald test
bozenne/butils documentation built on July 3, 2024, 2:34 p.m.