Welcome to the R package accompanying the Handbook of Statistics XX: Econometrics Using R.

In order to print the code of a function to the console type the name of the function without parentheses at the end, e.g. rbinom, but not rbinom()

The help pages can be accessed using ?rbinom or help("rbinom").

Chapter 1 (A. Nonymous)

In Chapter 1 "nonameyet", we can find functions a, b, and c.

Chapter X: Neural Networks (B.A. Quast)

The chapter "Neural Networks" contains several code snippets, which are evaluated in the book using knitr.

The snippets are also included in this package as functions.

For more information see the vignette Neural Networks by clicking here, or using:


bquast/EconometricsUsingR documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:05 a.m.