
# test_nrca.R

# load the decompr packages

# load the example data set

# define context
context("leontief long format")

# create a leontief long decomposed data set
l <- decomp(x = inter,
            y = final,
            k = countries,
            i = industries,
            o = out)

# apply the nrca to leontief
lnrca <- nrca( l )

test_that("output size matches", {
  expect_equal( length(lnrca), 9 )

test_that("output values match", {
  expect_equal( lnrca[1], 1.2676927, tolerance = .002)
  expect_equal( lnrca[9], 1.9843574, tolerance = .002)

# define short context
context("leontief matrix format")

do <- load_tables_vectors(x = inter,
                          y = final,
                          k = countries,
                          i = industries,
                          o = out)

lm <- leontief(do, long=FALSE)

lm_nrca <- nrca(lm)

test_that("output size matches", {
  expect_equal( length(lm_nrca), 9 )

test_that("output values match", {
  expect_equal( lm_nrca[1], 1.267693, tolerance = .02, check.attributes=FALSE)
  expect_equal( lm_nrca[9], 1.984357, tolerance = .02, check.attributes=FALSE)
bquast/gvc documentation built on June 26, 2022, 2:08 a.m.