
Steps: - Define some variables - Load the synthetic data -


Start from a well-defined state

Set state for random number generation. This ensures that results can be reproduced.

set.seed(19821101 + 4 * (params$i_dataset -1) + params$n_repetition - 1)

Define some general variables

Make magrittr's pipe accessible from notebook. Pipes enable clear expression of a sequence of multiple operations.

"%>%" <- magrittr::`%>%`

Identify the project directory. All paths in the code are relative to it.

project_dir <- rprojroot::find_root(rprojroot::has_file("DESCRIPTION"))

Define the name of the notebook (notebook_name). It is used to save notebook output to a notebook-specific directory.

notebook_name <- "parameter_and_model_recovery"

Define some output directories and verify their existence. Optimization statistics obtained in this notebook will be written to a notebook-specific directory inside optimizations_dir. If directories do not exist, they are created.

optimizations_dir <- file.path(project_dir,"data","optimizations")
synthetic_data_dir <- file.path(project_dir,"data","simulations", "simulate_synthetic_data_for_parameter_and_model_recovery") 
itchmodel::verify_output_dirs(base_dirs = list(optimizations_dir),
                              notebook_name = notebook_name)

Define some model variables

The name of the model (model_name). Currently, only drift diffusion models (DDM) are implemented.

model_name <- "DDM"

Synthetic data were generated with four model parameterizations: the defer/speedup intertemporal choice data were generated with the defer_speedup_time_scaling and defer_speedup_value_scaling parameterizations; the date/delay intertemporal choice data were generated with the date_delay_time_scaling and date_delay_value_scaling parameterizations. We will fit each data with the parameterization that generated the synthetic data set (generating_parameterization) and a "counter-parameterization".

# parameterization is specified in the YAML header or in the params argument of rmarkdown::render
(parameterization <- params$parameterization)
generating_parameterization <- parameterization

if (parameterization == "defer_speedup_time_scaling") {
  counter_parameterization <- "defer_speedup_value_scaling"
} else if (parameterization == "defer_speedup_value_scaling") {
  counter_parameterization <- "defer_speedup_time_scaling"
} else if (parameterization == "date_delay_time_scaling") {
  counter_parameterization <- "date_delay_value_scaling"
} else if (parameterization == "date_delay_value_scaling") {
  counter_parameterization <- "date_delay_time_scaling"

Synthetic data were generated with four levels of repetition: each trial (i.e. a factorial combination of frame, m_s, m_l, t_s, and t_l) was repeated 2, 3, 4, or 5 times in the experiment (n_repetition). Here, we fit the dataset containing n_repetition repetitions.

# n_repetition is specified in the YAML header or in the params argument of rmarkdown::render
(n_repetition <- params$n_repetition)

A total of 100 synthetic data sets were generated for each combination of model, parameterization, and number of repetitions. Here, we fit the dataset with index i_dataset.

# i_dataset is specified in the YAML header or in the params argument of rmarkdown::render
(i_dataset <- params$i_dataset)

Define some optimization variables

The maximum number of iterations (max_iter) of the optimization algorithm before it should terminate.

max_iter <- 1000

The relative tolerance (rel_tol) is the tolerance for the stopping criterion of the optimization algorithm.

rel_tol <- 1e-6

The number of populations per free parameter defined the number of candidate solutions in the randomly distributed initial population. Higher numbers increase the likelihood of converging to a global optimum.

n_pop_per_free_param <- 20

Load data

Load the synthetic data

Define file name of synthetic data file

fmt_data <- "expt_stimuli_observations_model_%s_parameterization_%s_ix_%d_nrep_%d.csv"
(synthetic_data_file <- 
  sprintf(fmt = fmt_data, 

Load synthetic data file

(synthetic_data <- 
  readr::read_csv(file = file.path(synthetic_data_dir, synthetic_data_file),
                  col_types = readr::cols()

Count the number of data points

(n_data_points <- nrow(synthetic_data))

Put synthetic data in correct format for model fitting

synthetic_data_grpd <- 
  synthetic_data %>%

stimuli <- 
  synthetic_data_grpd %>%
  dplyr::select(frame, m_s, t_s, m_l, t_l, m_ss_type) %>%

observations <- 
  synthetic_data_grpd %>%
  dplyr::select(frame, rt, response) %>%

(synthetic_data_formatted <- 
dplyr::left_join(x = stimuli,
                 y = observations,
                 by = c("frame")
                 ) %>%
  dplyr::rename(stimuli = data.x,
                observations = data.y))

Load the data generating model parameter values

Define the name of the file containing data generating model parameter values

fmt_params <- "model_parameters_model_%s_parameterization_%s_ix_%d.csv"
(synthetic_params_file <- 
  sprintf(fmt = fmt_params, 

Load parameter file

(generating_params <- 
  readr::read_csv(file = file.path(synthetic_data_dir, synthetic_params_file),
                  col_types = readr::cols()

Parameter definitions:
alpha: sensitivity parameter of the function transforming objective into subjective value
mu: scaling parameter of the function transforming objective into subjective value
beta: sensitivity parameter of the function transforming objective into subjective time
kappa: scaling parameter of the function transforming objective into subjective time
w: parameter that weighs and scale the differences in subjective value and time, before comparison
a: threshold separation of the diffusion process
t0: non-decision time

Indices following the parameter name indicate that the parameter varies across conditions.

Fit data generating model to the synthetic data

The dataset will be fit with the generating_parameterization: r generating_parameterization.

Define parameter bounds

lowers_gen <- itchmodel::get_par_bounds(model = model_name,
                                        parameterization = generating_parameterization,
                                        bound = 'lower')
uppers_gen <- itchmodel::get_par_bounds(model = model_name,
                                        parameterization = generating_parameterization,
                                        bound = 'upper')

The number of free parameters (n_free_params) can be determined by counting the number of parameters for which the lower and upper bounds are identical.

n_free_params_gen <- sum(!(lowers_gen == uppers_gen))
optim_out_gen_model <- 
  DEoptimR::JDEoptim(fn = itchmodel::get_log_likelihood, # optimization function
                     lower = lowers_gen,
                     upper = uppers_gen,
                     constr = itchmodel::get_nonlinear_constraints,
                     maxiter = max_iter,
                     tol = rel_tol,
                     NP = n_pop_per_free_param * n_free_params_gen,
                     trace = TRUE,
                     triter = 25, # Print every 25th iteration 
                     # Additional arguments passed to fn and constr:
                     data = synthetic_data_formatted,
                     model = model_name,
                     parameterization = generating_parameterization
(best_fit_gen_model <- 
                               model = "DDM", 
                               parameterization = generating_parameterization)

Print optimization procedure stats

(optim_stats_gen_model <- 
   itchmodel::get_fit_stats(optim_output = optim_out_gen_model, 
                            model = model_name, 
                            parameterization = generating_parameterization, 
                            n_data_points = n_data_points)

Plot the observations and model predictions, using best-fitting parameters

(plt_generating_parameterization <- 
  itchmodel::plot_model_fit_to_data(df = synthetic_data_formatted,
                                    params = optim_out_gen_model$par,
                                    model = model_name,
                                    parameterization = generating_parameterization

Points represent observed probabilities of choosing large-but-later option. Lines represent best-fitting model predictions.

Fit counter parameterization to synthetic data

The dataset will be fit with the counter_parameterization: r counter_parameterization.

Parameter lower bounds (lowers) and upper bounds (uppers)

lowers_counter <- itchmodel::get_par_bounds(model = model_name,
                                            parameterization = counter_parameterization,
                                            bound = 'lower')
uppers_counter <- itchmodel::get_par_bounds(model = model_name,
                                            parameterization = counter_parameterization,
                                            bound = 'upper')  

The number of free parameters (n_free_params) can be determined by counting the number of parameters for which the lower and upper bounds are identical.

n_free_params_counter <- sum(!(lowers_counter == uppers_counter))
optim_out_counter_model <- 
  DEoptimR::JDEoptim(fn = itchmodel::get_log_likelihood, # optimization function
                     lower = lowers_counter,
                     upper = uppers_counter,
                     constr = itchmodel::get_nonlinear_constraints,
                     maxiter = max_iter,
                     tol = rel_tol,
                     NP = n_pop_per_free_param * n_free_params_counter,
                     trace = TRUE,
                     triter = 25, # Print every 25th iteration 
                     # Additional arguments passed to fn and constr:
                     data = synthetic_data_formatted,
                     model = model_name,
                     parameterization = counter_parameterization
(best_fit_counter_model <- 
                               model = "DDM", 
                               parameterization = counter_parameterization)

Print optimization procedure stats

(optim_stats_counter_model <- 
   itchmodel::get_fit_stats(optim_output = optim_out_counter_model, 
                            model = model_name, 
                            parameterization = counter_parameterization, 
                            n_data_points = n_data_points)

Plot the observations and model predictions, using best-fitting parameters

(plt_counter_parameterization <- 
  itchmodel::plot_model_fit_to_data(df = synthetic_data_formatted,
                                    params = optim_out_counter_model$par,
                                    model = model_name,
                                    parameterization = counter_parameterization

Points represent observed probabilities of choosing large-but-later option. Lines represent best-fitting model predictions.

Compare optimization function value and best-fitting parameters between models

Optimization function value. Lower values represent better fits

tibble::tibble(model = c("generating", "counter")) %>%
  dplyr::bind_cols(dplyr::bind_rows(optim_stats_gen_model, optim_stats_counter_model))

Best-fitting parameters, relative to true generating parameters

tibble::tibble(parameter_set = c("true", "best_fit_generating", "best_fit_counter")) %>%
  dplyr::bind_cols(dplyr::bind_rows(generating_params, best_fit_gen_model, best_fit_counter_model))

Best-fitting parameters of generating parameterization, relative to bounds

lowers_gen_tib <- 
                            model = model_name, 
                            parameterization = generating_parameterization)

uppers_gen_tib <- 
                            model = model_name, 
                            parameterization = generating_parameterization)

tibble::tibble(parameter_set = c("lower", 
               ) %>%
  dplyr::bind_cols(., dplyr::bind_rows(lowers_gen_tib, 
                                       lowers_gen_tib - best_fit_gen_model, 
                                       uppers_gen_tib - best_fit_gen_model

Best-fitting parameters of counter parameterization, relative to bounds

lowers_counter_tib <- 
                              model = model_name, 
                              parameterization = counter_parameterization)

uppers_counter_tib <- 
                              model = model_name, 
                              parameterization = counter_parameterization)

tibble::tibble(parameter_set = c("lower", 
               ) %>%
  dplyr::bind_cols(., dplyr::bind_rows(lowers_counter_tib, 
                                       lowers_counter_tib - best_fit_counter_model, 
                                       uppers_counter_tib - best_fit_counter_model

Write optimization statistics to disk

Best-fitting parameters

Write best-fitting parameters of generating parameterization to disk

fmt_bf_params_generating_file <- "best_fitting_params_generating_model_%s_parameterization_%s_ix_%d_nrep_%d.csv"

(bf_params_generating_file <- 
  sprintf(fmt = fmt_bf_params_generating_file, 

readr::write_csv(x = best_fit_gen_model,
                 path = file.path(optimizations_dir, 
                 append = TRUE, # enables detection of problems: each file should have only one line,
                 col_names = TRUE

Write best-fitting parameters of counter parameterization to disk

fmt_bf_params_counter_file <- "best_fitting_params_counter_model_%s_parameterization_%s_ix_%d_nrep_%d.csv"

(bf_params_counter_file <- 
  sprintf(fmt = fmt_bf_params_counter_file, 

readr::write_csv(x = best_fit_counter_model,
                 path = file.path(optimizations_dir, 
                 append = TRUE, # enables detection of problems: each file should have only one line,
                 col_names = TRUE

Optimization statistics

Write optimization statistics of generating parameterization to disk

fmt_optim_stats_generating_file <- "optimization_statistics_generating_model_%s_parameterization_%s_ix_%d_nrep_%d.csv"

(optim_stats_generating_file <- 
  sprintf(fmt = fmt_optim_stats_generating_file, 

readr::write_csv(x = optim_stats_gen_model,
                 path = file.path(optimizations_dir, 
                 append = TRUE, # enables detection of problems: each file should have only one line,
                 col_names = TRUE

Write optimization statistics of counter parameterization to disk

fmt_optim_stats_counter_file <- "optimization_statistics_counter_model_%s_parameterization_%s_ix_%d_nrep_%d.csv"

(optim_stats_counter_file <- 
  sprintf(fmt = fmt_optim_stats_counter_file, 

readr::write_csv(x = optim_stats_counter_model,
                 path = file.path(optimizations_dir, 
                 append = TRUE, # enables detection of problems: each file should have only one line,
                 col_names = TRUE

bramzandbelt/itchmodel documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:42 a.m.