
This notebook generates synthetic intertemporal choice data that we will use to test how well we can recover the data generating parameters and models. The notebook contains five major sections. First, we define deal with some preliminaries and define variables. Second, we sample model parameter values from the population. Representative parameter values and the relationships among them were based on a previous study [@Dai.Busemeyer2014] and personal communication with the lead author of that study, respectively. Values of parameters that were not part of the Dai & Busemeyer study were guessed and loosely based on another model of intertemporal choice [@Scholten.Read2010; Scholten.Read2013]. Third, using these parameter values, we simulate an indifferent point procedure. The indifferent point procedure will precede the intertemporal choice experiment and serves to estimate approximate indifference points for a set of delays. We will use an indifference point procedure suggested by Frye and colleagues [-@Frye.etal2016], because it is efficient and effective (i.e. our simulations showed that it gets reasonable estimates of indifference points). Fourth, based on the indifferent point procedure, we define experimental trials. Experimental trials are a factorial combination of large-but-later amount (1 level: \euro 43.52), small-but-soon amounts (3 levels: around, below, above indifference point), large-but-later delay (7 levels: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 days), small-but-soon delay (0 days), frame (3 levels for defer/speedup effect: neutral, defer, speedup; 2 levels for date/delay effect: delay, date), and how many times each trial will be repated (4 levels: 2, 3, 4, 5 times). Fifth, model parameters and simulated experiments are saved to disk, so they can be used for for parameter and model recovery.


Start clean and from a well-defined state

Clear data, values, and functions.

rm(list = ls())

Set state for random number generation. This ensures that results can be reproduced.


Define some general variables

Make magrittr's pipe accessible from notebook. Pipes enable clear expression of a sequence of multiple operations.

"%>%" <- magrittr::`%>%`

Identify the project directory. All paths in the code are relative to it.

project_dir <- rprojroot::find_root(rprojroot::has_file("DESCRIPTION"))

Define the name of the notebook (notebook_name). It is used to save notebook output to a notebook-specific directory.

notebook_name <- "simulate_synthetic_data_for_parameter_and_model_recovery"

Define some output directories and verify their existence. Data simulated in this notebook is written to a notebook-specific directory inside simulations_dir. If directories do not exist, they are created.

simulations_dir <- file.path(project_dir,"data","simulations")
itchmodel::verify_output_dirs(base_dirs = list(simulations_dir),
                   notebook_name = notebook_name)

Define task variables

Monetary amounts and temporal delays The maximum amount of the larger-later option (m_ll) and the time of outcome delivery of the smaller-sooner option (t_ss) are constant across trials. The delay between the smaller-sooner and larger-later option (t_lls) increases exponentially.

m_ll <- 43.52 # 0.17 * 2^8 = 43.52 -> this means we can vary amounts in steps of 17 or 34 cents
t_ss <- 0 # small amount delivered immediately
t_lls <- c(2,4,8,16,32,64,128) # Exponentially increasing delays, as suggested by Frye et al., JOVE, 2016

Indifference point procedure

Set the number of trials that must be completed to determine an indifference point at each delay (n_staircase_trials).

n_staircase_trials <- 8 # For each delay, participants perform 8 choices in staircase procedure

Experimental procedure variables

Specify how many times a trial (i.e. a factorial combination of frame, m_s, m_l, t_s, and t_l) is repeated in the experiment (n_repetition). We create different data sets in order to determine how many repetitions are needed to satisfy sufficiently accurate parameter and model recovery.

n_repetition <- seq(from = 2, to = 5)

Define model variables

We will simulate data for 4 parameterizations (parameterizations) of one model type (drift diffusion model, DDM), i.e. two parameterzations per task/framing phenomenon. The total number of participants simulated is defined by n_dataset. For each dataset, a unique set of model parameters is sampled. The same parameter values are used across levels of n_repetition.

model_name <- "DDM"

# Data generating models
parameterizations <- c('defer_speedup_time_scaling',

# Number of datasets to generate
n_dataset <- 100

Make a tibble in which the simulated data for each model and parameterization will be stored (simulated_data).

(simulated_data <- 
  tidyr::crossing(model = model_name,
                  parameterization = parameterizations))

Sample model parameter values

We sample n_dataset sets of parameters for each model and parameterization. Then we add them to simulated_data in the column generating_parameters.

simulated_model_parameters <- 
  simulated_data %>%
  dplyr::mutate(model_parameters = purrr::pmap(.l = list(parameterization = .$parameterization),
                 .f = itchmodel::sample_params_from_pop,
                 n = n_dataset,
                 stimuli = itchmodel::make_stimulus_df(frames = "neutral", 
                                                       m_l = m_ll, 
                                                       pct_m_l = 0, 
                                                       t_s = 0, 
                                                       interval = max(t_lls),
                                                       n_reps = 1),
                 model = model_name
                 )) %>%
  tidyr::unnest() %>% 
  dplyr::rename(model_parameters = data)

Display the tibble


Display examples of sampled model parameters

(simulated_model_parameters %>% dplyr::filter(ix <= 2) %>% tidyr::unnest())

Simulate indifference point procedure

simulated_trials <-
  simulated_model_parameters %>%
  dplyr::mutate(ip_procedure_data = purrr::pmap(.l = list(model = .$model,
                                                          parameterization = .$parameterization,
                                                          parameters = .$model_parameters),
                                                .f = itchmodel::staircase_procedure,
                                                m_ll = m_ll,
                                                t_ss = t_ss,
                                                t_lls = t_lls,
                                                n_rep = 1,
                                                procedure = '1up1down',
                                                # Step size decreases by 50% after every trial
                                                step_size_decreasing = TRUE,
                                                decrease_every_trial = TRUE,
                                                n_trial = n_staircase_trials

Display some examples of indifference point procedure

(simulated_trials %>% dplyr::filter(ix <= 2) %>% dplyr::select(model, parameterization, ix, ip_procedure_data) %>% tidyr::unnest())

Simulate experiment

Define experimental trials

On the basis of the indifference point procedure, experimental trials are defined. Replicate the data for the different levels of n_repetition.

simulated_trials <-
  simulated_trials %>%
  tidyr::crossing(n_reps = n_repetition) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(stimuli = purrr::pmap(.l = list(ip_data = .$ip_procedure_data,
                                                parameterization = .$parameterization,
                                                n_reps = .$n_reps),
                                      .f = itchmodel::define_expt_trials,
                                      n_staircase_trials = n_staircase_trials)

Display some examples of stimuli

(simulated_trials %>% 
   dplyr::filter(ix == 1, 
                 parameterization == "defer_speedup_time_scaling") %>% 
   dplyr::select(model, parameterization, ix, stimuli) %>% 

Simulate synthetic data

Stimuli and model parameters are used to simulate choices and response times.

simulated_trials <- 
  simulated_trials %>%
  dplyr::mutate(tmp_synthetic_data = purrr::pmap(.l = list(stimuli = .$stimuli,
                                                       parameters = .$model_parameters,
                                                       parameterization = .$parameterization
                                             .f = itchmodel::sim_data)
                ) %>%
  dplyr::select(model, parameterization, ix, n_reps, tmp_synthetic_data) %>%

  dplyr::mutate(synthetic_data = purrr::pmap(.l = list(inpt = .$tmp_synthetic_data), 
                                  .f = function(inpt) {inpt %>% 
                                      dplyr::select(frame, stimuli, observations) %>% 
                                      tidyr::unnest()})) %>%

Display some examples of synthetic data

(simulated_trials %>% 
   dplyr::filter(ix == 1, 
                 parameterization == "defer_speedup_time_scaling", 
                 n_reps == 5) %>% 
   dplyr::select(model, parameterization, ix, synthetic_data) %>% 
   tidyr::unnest() %>%
   # Do some selecting and sorting of columns
   dplyr::select(model, parameterization, ix, frame, m_s, t_s, m_l, t_l, m_ss_type, response, rt) %>%
   dplyr::arrange(t_l, m_s, frame)

Save model parameters and experimental trials to disk

Model parameters

Format of file name: model_parameters_model_<model>_parameterization_<parameterization>_ix_<ix>.csv

# Define filename
simulated_model_parameters <- 
  simulated_model_parameters %>%
  dplyr::mutate(filename = purrr::pmap_chr(.l = list(model = .$model, 
                                                     parameterization = .$parameterization,
                                                     ix = .$ix),
                                           .f = function(model, parameterization, ix, target_dir) {
                                                               model, parameterization, ix
                                           target_dir = file.path(simulations_dir, notebook_name)

# Write to disk
out <- 
  purrr::pmap(.l = list(x = simulated_model_parameters$model_parameters,
                        path = simulated_model_parameters$filename),
              .f = readr::write_csv)

Experimental stimuli and observations

Format of file name: expt_stimuli_observations_model_<model>_parameterization_<parameterization>_ix_<ix>_nrep_<n_reps>.csv

# Define filename
simulated_trials <- 
  simulated_trials %>%
  dplyr::mutate(filename = purrr::pmap_chr(.l = list(model = .$model, 
                                                     parameterization = .$parameterization,
                                                     ix = .$ix,
                                                     n_reps = .$n_reps),
                                           .f = function(model, parameterization, ix, n_reps, target_dir) {
                                                               model, parameterization, ix, n_reps
                                           target_dir = file.path(simulations_dir, notebook_name)

# Write to disk
out <- 
  purrr::pmap(.l = list(x = simulated_trials$synthetic_data,
                        path = simulated_trials$filename),
              .f = readr::write_csv)


bramzandbelt/itchmodel documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:42 a.m.