
Clear everything

rm(list = ls())

Make magrittr's pipe accessible from notebook.

"%>%" <- magrittr::`%>%`


Step 1 - Choose parameter values; for the critical parameter, the difference should be equal to the SESOI (e.g. a Cohen's d of 0.3) Step 2 - Simulate data (one 'session') with those parameter values Step 3 - Fit models to it Step 3a - Fit the itch model to it (can we recover the actual parameters?) Step 3b - Fit the competing model to it (can it identify the data-generating model?) Step 3c - Fit Bayesian logistic regression to it (can we detect/reject an effect using ROPE?) Step 4 - Repeat Step 2-3 N times Step 5 - Decide on N_subjects and N_trials

Step 6 - Repeat the entire procedure for different parameter values Step 7 - Repeat the entire procedure for the other task

We want to plot several things:

The 95% HDI



frames = c('delay','date')
t_s = c(777)
interval = c(1,2,3,5,7,10,14)
m_l = c(19.68)
pct_m_l <- c(0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.88, 0.93, 0.97, 0.99)

Function for making stimulus tibble

make_stimulus_df <- function(frames, pct_m_l, m_l, t_s, interval) {
  expand.grid(frame = factor(frames, levels = c('delay','date')),
              pct_m_l = pct_m_l,
              m_l = m_l,
              t_s = t_s,
              interval = interval
              ) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(m_s = pct_m_l * m_l,
                t_l = t_s + interval) %>%

Data for modeling

stimuli_mod <- make_stimulus_df(frames = c('delay', 'date'), 
                                pct_m_l = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.88, 0.93, 0.97, 0.99), 
                                m_l = c(19.68), 
                                t_s = c(7), 
                                interval = c(1,2,3,5,7,10,14)

Data for plotting

stimuli_plot <- make_stimulus_df(frames = c('delay', 'date'), 
                                 pct_m_l = seq(from = 0, to = 0.995, by = 0.005), 
                                 m_l = c(19.68), 
                                 t_s = c(7), 
                                 interval = c(1,2,3,5,7,10,14)


parameters <- list('alpha' = c(0.85, 0.93), # Alpha varies between conditions
                   'mu' = 1,
                   'beta' = 0.70,
                   'kappa' = 1,
                   'w' = 0.5,
                   "a" = 1, # threshold separation 
                   "z" = 0, # starting point 
                   "t0" = 0.1, # non-decision time,
                   "sv" = 0, 
                   "sz" = 0, # inter-trial variability of starting point
                   "st0" = 0 # inter-trial variability of non-decision time

# Repeat parameters, if stationary across conditions
parameters <- itchmodel::eq_list_elements(parameters)

# Make a parameter tibble
parameters_tib <- 
  parameters %>%
  tibble::as.tibble() %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(frame = factor(frames, levels = frames)) %>%
  dplyr::select(frame, dplyr::everything()) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(frame) %>% 
  tidyr::nest(.key = 'parameters')

Simulate data


sim_data <- function(stimuli, parameters) {
  stimuli %>%
    dplyr::group_by(frame) %>%
    tidyr::nest(.key = 'stimuli') %>%
    dplyr::left_join(parameters, by = 'frame') %>%
    dplyr::mutate(data = purrr::map2(.x = stimuli, 
                                     .y = parameters, 
                                     .f = itchmodel::dai_busemeyer_diffusion)

For modeling

data_for_modeling <- 
  sim_data(stimuli = stimuli_mod,
           parameters = parameters_tib) %>%

For plotting

data_for_plotting <- 
  sim_data(stimuli = stimuli_plot,
           parameters = parameters_tib) %>%

Model fitting - general procedure

Fit the data model that generated the data

Goal: parameter recovery

# check whether drift rate or threshold is free to vary over conditions
check_fit_parameters = function(x) {
  if(sapply(x, length)["alpha"] == 2) { 
    parameterisation = "value-sensitivity" 
  } else if(sapply(x, length)["beta"] == 2) { 
    parameterisation = "time-sensitivity" 
  } else if(sapply(x, length)["mu"] == 2) {
    parameterisation = "value-scaling" 
  } else if(sapply(x, length)["kappa"] == 2) {   
    parameterisation = "time-scaling" 
  } else { 
    stop("Specify two correct value sensitivity (alpha), time sensitivity (beta), value scaling (mu) or time-scaling (kappa) parameters") 
optim_fun <- function(x, data, model, parameterization, par_names) {

  # Compute negative log-likelihood
  ll_diffusion(pars[[1]], , response)

  log.likelihood.1condition(x=pars[[1]],data=subset(data,A==1),model=model) + 
fit_model <- function(data, 
                      model = "DDM", 
                      parameterization = "", 
                      max.iterations = 250){

  # Assertions ---

  ## Assert that parameterization is correct
    if (!(parameterization == "one_condition" | 
         parameterization == "value_sensitivity" | 
         parameterization == "time_sensitivity" | 
         parameterization == "value_scaling" | 
         parameterization == "time_scaling")) 
    stop("Specify parameterization as \n\"one_condition\" (i.e., estimate parameters from a single experimental condition), \n\"value_sensitivity\" (i.e., estimate free value function sensitivity parameter across two experimental conditions), \n\"time_sensitivity\" (i.e., estimate free time function sensitivity parameter across two experimental conditions), \n\"value_scaling\" (i.e., estimate free value function scaling parameter across two experimental conditions), or \n\"time_scaling\" (i.e., estimate free time function scaling parameter  across two experimental conditions).")

  # Get model parameter names
  par_names <- get_par_names(model = "DDM", parameterization = parameterization)

  # Set lower and upper boundaries
  lowers = c()
  uppers = c()

  # Estimate model parameters, using differential evolution
  out <- 
    DEoptim::DEoptim(fn = ll_diffusion, # Function to be optimized (minimized)
                     lower = lowers, # Vector specifying lower bounds on parameters
                     upper = uppers, # Vector specifying upper bounds on parameters
                     data = data, # Data, input argument to optimization function
                     model = model, # Model, input argument to optimization function
                     parameterization = parameterization, # Parameterization, input argument to optimization function
                     par_names = par_names, # Parameter names, input argument to optimization function
                     control = list(itermax = max_iterations)
                     ) # List of control parameters


Parameter recovery

Parameter recovery

Fit the data using Bayesian logistic regression


                ggplot2::aes(x = m_s,
                             y = prob_ll, 
                             color = factor(interval, levels = interval),
                             group = factor(interval, levels = interval))
                ) + 
  ggplot2::facet_wrap("frame") +

Plot subjective values

Compute subjective values

# Plot 'subjective values'
(sv_data <- 
  data_for_plotting %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(frame, interval) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(m_l = mean(m_l), 
                   ip = approx(x = prob_ll, y = m_s, xout = 0.5)$y,
                   sv = ip/m_l))

Plot them

                ggplot2::aes(x = interval,
                             y = sv, 
                             color = frame,
                             group = frame)
                ) + 
  ggplot2::geom_point() + 
  ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(name = 'interval',
                              limits = c(0,15)
                              ) +
  ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = 'subjective value',
                              breaks = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.1),
                              limits = c(0,1)
                              ) + 

Other stuff

Cognitive model parameters

These are informed based on best-fitting parameters from Table 10 in Dai & Busemeyer, J Exp Psychol Gen, 2014

# # Smallest effect size of interest (SESOI), expressed as s.d. (Cohen's d)
# sesoi <- 0.3
# # Population parameters
# time_model_pop_parameters <- list('alpha' = list('date' = list('mean' = 0.94,
#                                                                'sd' = 0.64),
#                                                  'delay' = list('mean' = 0.94 - sesoi * 0.64,
#                                                                 'sd' = 0.64)
#                                                  ),
#                                   'beta' = list('mean' = 0.75,
#                                                 'sd' = 0.65),
#                                   'w' = list('mean' = 0.48,
#                                              'sd' = 0.18),
#                                   's' = list('mean' = 1,
#                                              'sd' = 0),
#                                   'z' = list('mean' = 0,
#                                              'sd' = 0),
#                                   'theta' = list('mean' = 1.94,
#                                                  'sd' = 0.64)
#                                   )
# parameters <- list('alpha' = c(0.6, 0.75), # Alpha varies between conditions
#                    'beta' = 0.9,
#                    'w' = 0.5,
#                    's' = 1,
#                    'z' = 0,
#                    'theta' = 20
#                    )

Simulation parameters

# n_subject <- 50 # How many subjects per experiment
# n_sim <- 500 # How many experiments to simulate


Draw parameters from population distribution

# parameters <- list('alpha' = c(rnorm(1,
#                                      mean = time_model_pop_parameters$alpha$date$mean,
#                                      sd = time_model_pop_parameters$alpha$date$sd),
#                                rnorm(1,
#                                      mean = time_model_pop_parameters$alpha$delay$mean,
#                                      sd = time_model_pop_parameters$alpha$delay$sd)
#                                ),
#                    'beta' = rnorm(1,
#                                   mean = time_model_pop_parameters$beta$mean,
#                                   sd = time_model_pop_parameters$beta$sd),
#                    'w' = rnorm(1,
#                                mean = time_model_pop_parameters$w$mean,
#                                sd = time_model_pop_parameters$w$sd),
#                    's' = rnorm(1,
#                                mean = time_model_pop_parameters$s$mean,
#                                sd = time_model_pop_parameters$s$sd),
#                    'z' = rnorm(1,
#                                mean = time_model_pop_parameters$z$mean,
#                                sd = time_model_pop_parameters$z$sd),
#                    'theta' = rnorm(1,
#                                mean = time_model_pop_parameters$theta$mean,
#                                sd = time_model_pop_parameters$theta$sd)
#                    )

Now we need to compute Maximum Likelihood. Pointers: - For Diffusion model: Ratcliff & Tuerlinckx 2002 - For Decision Field Theory: Junyi Dai's MATLAB code (for Decision Field Theory) - For LBA: code from Brown & Heathcote 2008?

bramzandbelt/itchmodel documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:42 a.m.