
  comment = "#>",
  collapse = TRUE

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What is this?

An R package for estimating Structural Equation Model (SEM) Trees and Forests. They are a fusion of SEM and decision trees, or SEM and random forests respectively. While SEM is a confirmatory modeling technique, SEM trees and forests allow to explore whether there are predictors that provide further information about an initial, theory-based model. Potential use cases are the search for potential predictors that explain individual differences, finding omitted variables in a model, or exploring measurement invariance over a large set of predictors. A recent overview is in our latest book chapter in the SEM handbook (Brandmaier & Jacobucci, 2023).


Install the latest stable version from CRAN:


To install the latest semtree package directly from GitHub, copy the following line into R:


# even better: install with package vignette (extra documentation)
devtools::install_github("brandmaier/semtree",force=TRUE, build_opts = c())


Package documentation and use-cases with runnable R code can be found on our github pages:

Package vignettes (shipped with the package) contain documentation on how to use the package. Simply type this in R once you have loaded the package:



Theory and method:

Applied examples (there are many more):

Brandmaier, A. M., Ram, N., Wagner, G. G., & Gerstorf, D. (2017). Terminal decline in well-being: The role of multi-indicator constellations of physical health and psychosocial correlates. Developmental Psychology.

brandmaier/semtree documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 10:38 p.m.