
Notes for CppADutils setup and installation

Homebrew should install the Xcode Command Line tools for you.

-- If you have an Intel Mac:

export CPPAD_DIR=/usr/local/opt/cppad

-- If you have an Apple Silicon Mac:

export CPPAD_DIR=/opt/homebrew/opt/cppad

Doing that will keep CppAD up-to-date in a fixed location, which is a lot easier than going through the standard CppAD installation instructions.

git clone

make sure you are on the master branch

Launch R from the CppADutils package directory. and load the devtools package. You may need to install the pracma package, along with some others.

library(devtools) load_all(recompile=TRUE) test()

If all the tests pass, then install:


To install adshdlm, update the latest from github.

braunm/CppADutils documentation built on Aug. 29, 2022, 2:18 p.m.