This vignette summarizes run times for sampling from, and computing the log density of, an MVN random variable using functions from the sparseMVN package (this one), and the mvtnorm package. For all of these tests, the covariance/precision matrices have the "block-arrow" structure of a hierarchical model with $p$ heterogeneous variables across $m$ units, and $k$ population variables. The "using sparseMVN" vignettes describes this sparsity pattern in more detail.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = FALSE, comment = "#", message=FALSE)

The following function is called for each combination of $N$, $m$, $k$, $p$ and $prec$.


compare <- function(D) {

    N <- D$N ## number of draws
    p <-  D$p ## heterogeneous variables
    k <- D$k ## population variables
    m <- D$m ## number of agents
    prec <- D$prec

    mu <- rep(0,p*m+k)  ## assume mean at origin
    Q1 <- tril(kronecker(Matrix(seq(0.1,p,length=p*p),p,p),diag(m)))
    Q2 <- cBind(Q1,Matrix(0,m*p,k))
    Q3 <- rBind(Q2,cBind(Matrix(rnorm(k*m*p),k,m*p),Diagonal(k)))
    CV.sparse <- tcrossprod(Q3)
    CV.dense <- as(CV.sparse,"matrix")  ## dense covariance

    ## creates a dCHMsimpl object
    chol.time <- system.time(chol.CV <- Cholesky(CV.sparse)) 

    if (prec) {
        solve.time <- system.time(sigma <- solve(CV.dense))
    } else {
        solve.time <- NA
        sigma <- CV.dense

    ## draw random samples using rmvn.sparse
    tr.sp <- system.time(x.sp <- rmvn.sparse(N, mu, chol.CV,prec=prec))

    ## computing log densities using dmvn.sparse    
    td.sp <- system.time(d.sp <- dmvn.sparse(x.sp, mu, chol.CV, prec=prec))

    ## computing same log densities using dmvnorm 
    td.dens <- system.time(d.dens <- dmvnorm(x.sp,mu,sigma,log=TRUE))

    ## sampling a comparable matrix using rmvnorm
    tr.dens <- system.time(x.dens <- rmvnorm(N, mu, sigma, method="chol"))

    res <- data.frame(
        N=N, m=m, p=p, k=k, prec=prec, r.sparse=tr.sp["elapsed"],
        density.check=as.logical(all.equal(d.sp, d.dens))

We set levels for each factor, and run multiple reps of compare, averaging across reps. For each test, we will draw, or compute the density for, $N$ samples. The covariance or precision matrix will have a block-arrow structure, with $m$ blocks. Each block is $p \times p$, and there are $k$ variables in the "arrowhead," or margin, of the matrix.

Each rep is run in parallel using the doParallel package. You may need to change the method of parallelization or the number of cores.

Computation times (in seconds) were generated on a 2013-era Mac Pro, with 12 2.7GHz Xeon E5 processors and 64GB of RAM.

N <- 50 ## number of samples
m <- c(20, 200, 1000, 2000)  ## number of heterogeneous units
p <- 3 ## size of each "block"
k <- 3 ## variables in the margin, or "arrowhead"
prec <- c(FALSE, TRUE)  ## a covariance (FALSE) or precision (TRUE) matrix?
D <- expand.grid(rep=1:12, N=N, m=m,
                 p=p, k=k, prec=prec)
R <- ddply(D, c("rep","N","m","p","k","prec"), compare, .parallel=TRUE) %>%
    group_by(N, m, p, k, prec) %>%

Now let's put the table together. First, let's compare times for sampling from an MVN, when providing a covariance matrix.

tmp <- gather(R, val, time, c(sample.sparse, sample.dense, density.sparse, density.dense))
tmp <- separate(tmp, val, c("stat","method")) %>%
        spread(method, time) %>%
            mutate(nnz=(m+1)*p^2 + 2*k*m*p,
tab.samp <- tmp %>% filter(stat %in% c("sample") & prec==FALSE) %>%
    select(-N) %>%
        select(m, pct.nnz, dense, sparse)

We see that as the percentage of non-zero elements goes down, there is more time savings from using rmvn.sparse over rmvnorm.

There is a similar pattern when computing the log density.

tab.dens <- tmp %>% filter(stat %in% c("density") & prec==FALSE) %>%
    select(-N) %>%
        select(m, pct.nnz, dense, sparse)

These patterns hold if we were to provide the precision matrix instead of the covariance matrix. First, the random sampling times:

tab.samp <- tmp %>% filter(stat %in% c("sample") & prec==TRUE) %>%
    select(-N) %>%
        select(m, pct.nnz, dense, sparse)

And now, the log density times:

tab.dens <- tmp %>% filter(stat %in% c("density") & prec==TRUE) %>%
    select(-N) %>%
        select(m, pct.nnz, dense, sparse)

The sparseMVN functions require a Cholesky decomposition of the covariance/precision matrix. However, the mvtnorm functions require a matrix inversion when converting a precision matrix to a covariance matrix. The following table summarizes the times of each of those steps. Of course, if we start with a covariance matrix, no inversion is necessary to use the mvtnorm functions.

tab2 <- tmp %>% filter(stat=="density") %>%
    select(prec, m, pct.nnz, cholesky, inverse) %>%
        arrange(prec, m)

Thus, we see that the time needed for a sparse Cholesky decomposition is neglible, even for large matrices. However, the time it takes to create a dense covariance matrix by inverting a dense precision matrix can be quite substantial. Thus, if you are starting with a sparse precision matrix, the efficiency gains from using sparseMVN over mvtnorm also include the avoidance of this additional matrix inversion step.

braunm/sparseMVN documentation built on Jan. 3, 2022, 4:47 p.m.