The lab4ab package provides the main function to compute a linear regression when a set of data and the variables to investigate are given. Compared to the classic linear regression function (lm()) linreg() helps to calculate all the most significative elements of a linear regression in just one step just giving the observations (contained in a dataset) and the formula. lab4ab also provides a plotting function and a summary function just as lm() does.

Linear regression function: linreg()

linreg$new(data, formula) needs two arguments:

Applying the function to those objects the dependent variable is stored in a vector Y and the independent variables in a matrix X. At the same time all the following statistics are calculated:

  1. Regression coefficients (beta_hat) : $\hat{\beta}= (X^TX)^{-1}X^Ty$

  2. The fitted values (fitted) : $\hat{y}= X\hat{\beta}$

  3. The residuals (res) : $\hat{e}= y-X\hat{\beta}$

  4. The degree of freedom (df) : $df=n-p$ , where $n$ is the number of observations and $p$ is the number of parameters in the model

  5. The residual variance (res_var) : $\hat{\sigma}^2=\frac{e^Te}{df}$

  6. The variance of the regression coefficients (reg_var) : $\hat{Var}(\hat{\beta})=\hat{\sigma}^2(X^TX)^{-1}) $

  7. The t-values for each coefficient (t_value) :$t_\beta=\frac{\hat{\beta}}{\sqrt{Var(\hat{\beta})}}$

  8. The p-values for each coefficient (p_value) : $P(|>t|)$ the probability of each coefficient to be equal to 0

linreg is a class, all the calculations have been stored in it, so to access to one of the previews statistics it may be used $ as it follows:

data <- iris
formula <- Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Sepal.Length

#my_linear_reg <- linreg$new(formula, data)

#residuals <- my_linear_reg$res()


The package provides also three other methods which return some of the statistics showed before:

The printing method: print()

The $print() shows exactly the same data of lm() function: it provides the coefficients found in the linear regression and their names.

data <- iris

formula <- Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Sepal.Length

#my_linear_reg <- linreg$new(formula, data)



In lab4ab package there is also a method which contains two graphs: one representing the residuals vs the fitted values, the second one a scaled version of the first one, the residuals have been standardized by the formula: $$\sqrt{ \frac{|mean(res)-res|}{\sqrt{{Var(res)}}}}$$ . The line represents the trend of the observations in the graphs. The smooth has been realized with a local polynomial regression fitting with a span (parameter which controls the degree of smoothing) of 1.5. It looks very close to the one obtained by plot(lm()). The methid $plot() plots, using ggplot2 package that has to be installed before using lab4ab. The graphs respect some of the graphical criteria of Linkoping University.



Last method in the package is summary(). It's aim is to return a similar printout as printed for lm(). The statistics of this output are:



data <- iris

formula <- Petal.Length ~ Species

#my_linear_reg <- linreg$new(formula, data)

brbatv/lab4 documentation built on May 3, 2019, 2:56 p.m.