Travis-CI Build Status


R interface to European Health For All Database (HFA-DB)

Development version

The current version of the HFA package is still under development and not yet ready to be released.

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Background information

HFA-DB provides a selection of core health statistics covering basic demographics, health status, health determinants and risk factors, and health-care resources, utilization and expenditure in the 53 countries in the WHO European Region. It allows queries for country, intercountry and regional analyses, and displays the results in tables, graphs or maps, which can be exported for further use.

The data are compiled from various sources, including a network of country experts, WHO/Europe's technical programmes and partner organizations, such as agencies of the United Nations system, the statistical office of the European Union (EUROSTAT) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. HFA-DB is updated twice a year.

Getting started

Read the HFA vignette for an overview of available functionalities.

Read the HFA compendium for an overview of available databases and database structures.

brechtdv/HFA documentation built on May 13, 2019, 5:06 a.m.