QMRA-package: Parametric Models for Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment

Description Details Note


The QMRA package provides a suite of functions for performing exposure assessment, dose-response assessment and risk characterisation in the context of microbial risk assessment. Different parametric models are available and can be fitted in both a maximum likelihood and Bayesian framework.


Package: QMRA
Version: 0.0.14
Date: 2016-03-12
Authors: Brecht Devleesschauwer, Christel Faes, Arie Havelaar, Niko Speybroeck
Maintainer: brechtdv@gmail.com
URL: https://github.com/brechtdv/QMRA
BugReports: https://github.com/brechtdv/QMRA/issues
Depends: R (>= 3.2.0)
Imports: methods, rjags, lme4, stats4, MASS, SuppDists, HyperbolicDist
SystemRequirements: JAGS (>= 4.1.0) (see http://mcmc-jags.sourceforge.net)
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes

Available functions in the QMRA package:

Exposure Assessment:

ea_count ML parametric modelling of exposure concentration from count data.
ea_conc ML parametric modelling of exposure concentration from (possibly left-censored) concentration data.
ea_presence ML parametric modelling of exposure concentration from presence/absence data.
bea_count Bayesian parametric modelling of exposure concentration from count data.
bea_conc Bayesian parametric modelling of exposure concentration from (possibly left-censored) concentration data.
bea_presence Bayesian parametric modelling of exposure concentration from presence/absence data.
avg_ea Model averaging for objects of class "ea".
sim Simulate from fitted concentration distributions. Method for objects of class "ea" and "bea".
summarize Summarize fitted concentration distributions. Method for objects of class "ea" and "bea".

Dose-Response Modelling:

drm Maximum likelihood parametric modelling of dose-response data.
bdrm Bayesian parametric modelling of dose-response data.
avg_drm Model averaging for objects of class "drm".
predict Predict from fitted dose-response curve. Method for objects of class "drm".
sim Simulate from fitted dose-response curve. Method for objects of class "drm" and "bdrm".
summarize Summarize fitted dose-response curve. Method for objects of class "drm" and "bdrm".


crypto Cryptosporidium oocyst counts.
giardia Giardia oocyst concentrations.
coliform Coliform presence/absence data.
campy Campylobacter dose-response data.


The Bayesian functions in the prevalence package call on JAGS (Just Another Gibbs Sampler), through the rjags package. Therefore, JAGS has to be installed on the user's system.

JAGS can be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mcmc-jags/

brechtdv/QMRA documentation built on May 13, 2019, 5:06 a.m.