bd-package: brechtdv's helper functions

Description Details


Miscellaneous summary statistics and utils.


Package: bd
Type: Package
Version: 0.0.13
Date: 2019-06-17
Authors: Brecht Devleesschauwer
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes

Available functions in the bd package:

openwd Open working directory.
collapse Collapse elements without separator.
write_cb Write to Windows clipboard.
read_cb Read from Windows clipboard.
today Return today's date in yyyymmdd format.
now Return current time.
extract_pubmed Extract data from PubMed file.
convert Read and save as.
multiplot Plot multiple ggplot2 objects.
prop_table Return proportional table.
dropbox Path to Dropbox folder.
github Path to GitHub folder.
sanitize_specials Translate special characters to HTML or LaTeX.
html_body RMarkdown template for HTML body only.
readxl Read Excel file as data.frame.
Summary statistics
summary_stats Calculate summary statistics.
mean_ci Calculate mean and 95% confidence interval.
hpd Highest posterior density interval.
sem Calculate standard error of the mean.
cv Calculate coefficient of variation.
Statistical functions
logit Logistic transformation.
expit Inverse logistic transformation.
rgamma2 Random Gamma deviates with given mean and SD.
rlnorm2 Random log-normal deviates with given mean and SD.

brechtdv/bd documentation built on June 19, 2019, 8:53 p.m.