getPermlink-methods: Methods for Function 'getPermlink' in Package 'rGithubClient'

Description Methods Value See Also


getPermlink allows users to quickly and easily get permlinks relative to a specific point in time for github repositories (or specific files within said repository). User has option of getting either an "html" (default) or "raw" permlink. Currently, these are constructed by the client – once github moves to a fully hypermedia API (all resources have at least one *_url property) this will be completely handled by the API and won't need to be constructed client-side.


signature(repository = "character", repositoryPath = "ANY", ...)
repository, ...

name of repository, in the form of /owner/repo, which is passed to getRepo along with optional arguments ref and refName - resulting githubRepo object is passed (along with other arguments, if provided) back to getPermlink method below.

signature(repository = "githubRepo", repositoryPath = "character", ...)

timepoint of repository specified by an object of class githubRepo


optional argument specifying a specific file within the repository to get the permlink (must be contained in repository@tree$path)


one of "html" (default) or "raw" for the type of permlink to return


github permlink

See Also

getRepo, githubRepo, sourceRepoFile, view

brian-bot/rGithubClient documentation built on May 13, 2019, 5:12 a.m.