Model Information

A named list of package-supplied models can be obtained interactively with the r rdoc_url("modelinfo()") function, and includes a descriptive "label" for each, source "packages" on which the models depend, supported response variable "types", and "arguments" that can be specified in calls to the model functions. Function modelinfo can be called without arguments, with one or more model functions, variable types, or response variables; and will return information on all models matching the calling arguments.

## Analysis libraries

## All availble models
modelinfo() %>% names

## Model-specific information
modelinfo(C50Model, CoxModel)


## All factor response-specific models
modelinfo(factor(0)) %>% names

## Identify factor response-specific models
modelinfo(factor(0), AdaBagModel, C50Model, CoxModel) %>% names

Response Variable-Specific

## Models for a responses variable
modelinfo(iris$Species) %>% names

Metric Information

A named list of supplied metrics can be obtained with the r rdoc_url("metricinfo()") function, and includes a descriptive "label" for each, whether to "maximize" the metrics for better performance, their function "arguments", and supported observed and predicted response variable "types". Function r rdoc_url("metricinfo()") may be called without arguments, with one or more metric functions, an observed response variable, an observed and predicted response variable pair, response variable types, or resampled output; and will return information on all matching metrics.

## Analysis libraries

## All availble metrics
metricinfo() %>% names

## Metric-specific information
metricinfo(auc, r2)


## Metrics for observed and predicted response variable types
metricinfo(factor(0)) %>% names

metricinfo(factor(0), factor(0)) %>% names

metricinfo(factor(0), matrix(0)) %>% names

## Identify factor-specific metrics
metricinfo(factor(0), accuracy, auc, r2) %>% names

Response Variable-Specific

## Metrics for observed and predicted responses from a model fit
model_fit <- fit(Species ~ ., data = iris, model = C50Model)
obs <- response(model_fit)
pred <- predict(model_fit, type = "prob")
metricinfo(obs, pred) %>% names


## Metrics for resampled output
model_res <- resample(Species ~ ., data = iris, model = C50Model)
metricinfo(model_res) %>% names

brian-j-smith/MachineShop documentation built on Aug. 20, 2024, 10:59 p.m.