
Defines functions BARTMachineModel

Documented in BARTMachineModel

#' Bayesian Additive Regression Trees Model
#' Builds a BART model for regression or classification.
#' @param num_trees number of trees to be grown in the sum-of-trees model.
#' @param num_burn number of MCMC samples to be discarded as "burn-in".
#' @param num_iter number of MCMC samples to draw from the posterior
#'   distribution.
#' @param alpha,beta base and power hyperparameters in tree prior for whether a
#'   node is nonterminal or not.
#' @param k regression prior probability that \eqn{E(Y|X)} is
#'   contained in the interval \eqn{(y_{min}, y_{max})}, based on a normal
#'   distribution.
#' @param q quantile of the prior on the error variance at which the data-based
#'   estimate is placed.
#' @param nu regression degrees of freedom for the inverse \eqn{sigma^2} prior.
#' @param mh_prob_steps vector of prior probabilities for proposing changes to
#'   the tree structures: (GROW, PRUNE, CHANGE).
#' @param verbose logical indicating whether to print progress information about
#'   the algorithm.
#' @param ... additional arguments to \code{\link[bartMachine]{bartMachine}}.
#' @details
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Response types:}{\code{binary factor}, \code{numeric}}
#'   \item{\link[=TunedModel]{Automatic tuning} of grid parameters:}{
#'     \code{alpha}, \code{beta}, \code{k}, \code{nu}
#'   }
#' }
#' Further model details can be found in the source link below.
#' In calls to \code{\link{varimp}} for \code{BARTMachineModel}, argument
#' \code{type} may be specified as \code{"splits"} (default) for the
#' proportion of time each predictor is chosen for a splitting rule or as
#' \code{"trees"} for the proportion of times each predictor appears in a tree.
#' Argument \code{num_replicates} is also available to control the number of
#' BART replicates used in estimating the inclusion proportions [default: 5].
#' Variable importance is automatically scaled to range from 0 to 100.  To
#' obtain unscaled importance values, set \code{scale = FALSE}.  See example
#' below.
#' @return \code{MLModel} class object.
#' @seealso \code{\link[bartMachine]{bartMachine}}, \code{\link{fit}},
#' \code{\link{resample}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Requires prior installation of suggested package bartMachine to run
#' model_fit <- fit(sale_amount ~ ., data = ICHomes, model = BARTMachineModel)
#' varimp(model_fit, method = "model", type = "splits", num_replicates = 20,
#'        scale = FALSE)
#' }
BARTMachineModel <- function(
  num_trees = 50, num_burn = 250, num_iter = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
  k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5, 2.5, 4) / 9, verbose = FALSE,
) {


    name = "BARTMachineModel",
    label = "Bayesian Additive Regression Trees",
    packages = "bartMachine",
    response_types = c("binary", "numeric"),
    predictor_encoding = "model.matrix",
    na.rm = "response",
    params = new_params(environment(), ...),

    gridinfo = new_gridinfo(
      param = c("alpha", "beta", "k", "nu"),
      get_values = c(
        function(n, ...) seq(0.9, 0.99, length = n),
        function(n, ...) seq(1, 3, length = n),
        function(n, ...) seq(2, length = min(n, 10)),
        function(n, data, ...) {
          if (is.numeric(response(data))) seq(2, length = min(n, 10))

    fit = function(formula, data, weights, use_missing_data, ...) {
      x <- as.data.frame(model.matrix(data, intercept = FALSE))
      y <- response(data)
      if (is_response(y, "binary")) y <- factor(y, levels = rev(levels(y)))
      bartMachine::build_bart_machine(x, y, use_missing_data = TRUE, ...)

    predict = function(object, newdata, ...) {
      newx <- model.matrix(newdata, intercept = FALSE)
      predict(object, new_data = as.data.frame(newx))

    varimp = function(
      object, type = c("splits", "trees"), num_replicates = 5, ...
    ) {
      type <- match.arg(type)
          object, type = type, num_replicates = num_replicates, plot = FALSE
        metric = type



MLModelFunction(BARTMachineModel) <- NULL
brian-j-smith/MachineShop documentation built on Aug. 20, 2024, 10:59 p.m.