Man pages for briandk/granovaGG
Graphical Analysis of Variance Using ggplot2

anorexiaAnorexia Data on Weight Change
anorexia.subFamily Treatment Weight change data for young female anorexia...
arousalArousal in Rats
blood_leadBlood lead levels of lead workers' children matched with...
granovagg.1wElemental Graphic Display for One-Way ANOVA
granovagg.contrElemental Graphic Display for Contrast Effect of ANOVA
granovagg.dsElemental Graphic for Display of Dependent Sample Data
granovaGG-packageElemental Graphics for Analysis of Variance Using ggplot2
poisonPoison data from Biological Experiment
ratWeight gains of rats fed different diets
shoesShoe wear data of Box, Hunter and Hunter
tobaccoVirus Preparation on Tobacco Leaves
briandk/granovaGG documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 6:29 p.m.