
Defensive package loading for R

What does this package do?

  1. You declare all the packages your code requires.
  2. loadr installs and loads those dependencies for anyone who runs your code.
  3. There is no step 3. Go forth and code.

Installation instructions

# If you don't currently have devtools

# then

Examples of how you use it

packages_my_code_needs <- c(
  "hadley/devtools" # you can specify user/repo combinations for github packages

# Automatically installs packages you don't have
#   and automatically loads everything via `require()`

Why would I use this?

I wrote this package because sometimes checkpoint and packrat are burdensome when you're doing rapid development (or rapid manuscript-writing). These functions ensure your scripts and documents will run for anyone with R.

briandk/loadr documentation built on May 13, 2019, 7:41 a.m.