
#' Individual GPS trajectory dataset
#' Demonstration GPS data formatted in manner to facilitate the construction of an xtrack object and demonstration of package xtracks features.
#' For privacy concerns, the raw spatial data have been shifted such that this track will appear to be in the center of Lake Eyasi when mapped.
#' @format A data frame with 8260 rows and 6 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{lat}{latitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{lon}{longitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{elevation_m}{elevation in meters}
#'   \item{in_camp}{binary flag to indicate if the individual is in the camp / residential area, or out of the camp / residential area}
#'   \item{unix_time}{the GPS timestamp, encoded as the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970 UTC timezone}
#'   \item{distance_from_camp_m}{the distance of the individual from the centroid of the camp / residential area}
#' }

#' Individual GPS trajectory dataset
#' Demonstration GPS data formatted in manner to facilitate the construction of an xtrack object and demonstration of package xtracks features.
#' For privacy concerns, the raw spatial data have been shifted such that this track will appear to be in the center of Lake Eyasi when mapped.
#' @format A data frame with one row per trackpoint and 6 variables per trackpoint:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{lat}{latitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{lon}{longitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{elevation_m}{elevation in meters}
#'   \item{in_camp}{binary flag to indicate if the individual is in the camp / residential area, or out of the camp / residential area}
#'   \item{unix_time}{the GPS timestamp, encoded as the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970 UTC timezone}
#'   \item{distance_from_camp_m}{the distance of the individual from the centroid of the camp / residential area}
#' }

#' Individual GPS trajectory dataset
#' Demonstration GPS data formatted in manner to facilitate the construction of an xtrack object and demonstration of package xtracks features.
#' For privacy concerns, the raw spatial data have been shifted such that this track will appear to be in the center of Lake Eyasi when mapped.
#'  @format A data frame with one row per trackpoint and 6 variables per trackpoint:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{lat}{latitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{lon}{longitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{elevation_m}{elevation in meters}
#'   \item{in_camp}{binary flag to indicate if the individual is in the camp / residential area, or out of the camp / residential area}
#'   \item{unix_time}{the GPS timestamp, encoded as the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970 UTC timezone}
#'   \item{distance_from_camp_m}{the distance of the individual from the centroid of the camp / residential area}
#' }

#' Individual GPS trajectory dataset
#' Demonstration GPS data formatted in manner to facilitate the construction of an xtrack object and demonstration of package xtracks features.
#' For privacy concerns, the raw spatial data have been shifted such that this track will appear to be in the center of Lake Eyasi when mapped.
#' @format A data frame with one row per trackpoint and 6 variables per trackpoint:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{lat}{latitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{lon}{longitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{elevation_m}{elevation in meters}
#'   \item{in_camp}{binary flag to indicate if the individual is in the camp / residential area, or out of the camp / residential area}
#'   \item{unix_time}{the GPS timestamp, encoded as the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970 UTC timezone}
#'   \item{distance_from_camp_m}{the distance of the individual from the centroid of the camp / residential area}
#' }

#' Individual GPS trajectory dataset
#' Demonstration GPS data formatted in manner to facilitate the construction of an xtrack object and demonstration of package xtracks features.
#' For privacy concerns, the raw spatial data have been shifted such that this track will appear to be in the center of Lake Eyasi when mapped.
#' @format A data frame with one row per trackpoint and 6 variables per trackpoint:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{lat}{latitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{lon}{longitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{elevation_m}{elevation in meters}
#'   \item{in_camp}{binary flag to indicate if the individual is in the camp / residential area, or out of the camp / residential area}
#'   \item{unix_time}{the GPS timestamp, encoded as the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970 UTC timezone}
#'   \item{distance_from_camp_m}{the distance of the individual from the centroid of the camp / residential area}
#' }

#' Individual GPS trajectory dataset
#' Demonstration GPS data formatted in manner to facilitate the construction of an xtrack object and demonstration of package xtracks features.
#' For privacy concerns, the raw spatial data have been shifted such that this track will appear to be in the center of Lake Eyasi when mapped.
#' @format A data frame with one row per trackpoint and 6 variables per trackpoint:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{lat}{latitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{lon}{longitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{elevation_m}{elevation in meters}
#'   \item{in_camp}{binary flag to indicate if the individual is in the camp / residential area, or out of the camp / residential area}
#'   \item{unix_time}{the GPS timestamp, encoded as the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970 UTC timezone}
#'   \item{distance_from_camp_m}{the distance of the individual from the centroid of the camp / residential area}
#' }

#' Individual GPS trajectory dataset
#' Demonstration GPS data formatted in manner to facilitate the construction of an xtrack object and demonstration of package xtracks features.
#' For privacy concerns, the raw spatial data have been shifted such that this track will appear to be in the center of Lake Eyasi when mapped.
#' @format A data frame with one row per trackpoint and 6 variables per trackpoint:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{lat}{latitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{lon}{longitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{elevation_m}{elevation in meters}
#'   \item{in_camp}{binary flag to indicate if the individual is in the camp / residential area, or out of the camp / residential area}
#'   \item{unix_time}{the GPS timestamp, encoded as the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970 UTC timezone}
#'   \item{distance_from_camp_m}{the distance of the individual from the centroid of the camp / residential area}
#' }

#' Individual GPS trajectory dataset
#' Demonstration GPS data formatted in manner to facilitate the construction of an xtrack object and demonstration of package xtracks features.
#' For privacy concerns, the raw spatial data have been shifted such that this track will appear to be in the center of Lake Eyasi when mapped.
#' @format A data frame with one row per trackpoint and 6 variables per trackpoint:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{lat}{latitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{lon}{longitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{elevation_m}{elevation in meters}
#'   \item{in_camp}{binary flag to indicate if the individual is in the camp / residential area, or out of the camp / residential area}
#'   \item{unix_time}{the GPS timestamp, encoded as the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970 UTC timezone}
#'   \item{distance_from_camp_m}{the distance of the individual from the centroid of the camp / residential area}
#' }

#' Individual GPS trajectory dataset
#' Demonstration GPS data formatted in manner to facilitate the construction of an xtrack object and demonstration of package xtracks features.
#' For privacy concerns, the raw spatial data have been shifted such that this track will appear to be in the center of Lake Eyasi when mapped.
#' @format A data frame with one row per trackpoint and 6 variables per trackpoint:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{lat}{latitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{lon}{longitude, in decimal degrees, WGS 84}
#'   \item{elevation_m}{elevation in meters}
#'   \item{in_camp}{binary flag to indicate if the individual is in the camp / residential area, or out of the camp / residential area}
#'   \item{unix_time}{the GPS timestamp, encoded as the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970 UTC timezone}
#'   \item{distance_from_camp_m}{the distance of the individual from the centroid of the camp / residential area}
#' }
brianwood1/xtracks documentation built on Oct. 12, 2022, 7:42 a.m.