Man pages for briatte/tidykml
Turn KML Files Into Tidy Data Frames

gangsMap of Non-Hispanic Gangs in South Los Angeles (2016)
kml_boundsFind the boundaries of a KML file.
kml_coordsExtract KML coordinates (longitude, latitude or altitude).
kml_elementExtract a single KML element from a Placemark.
kml_elementsExtract multiple KML elements from a Placemark.
kml_finalizeFinalize a KML tidy data frame
kml_foldersExtract KML Folders.
kml_infoFind the elements of a KML file.
kml_linesRead Lines out of a KML file.
kml_placemarksExtract KML Placemarks containing a specific Geometry.
kml_pointsRead Points out of a KML file.
kml_polygonsRead Polygons out of a KML file.
kml_readRead a KML file.
kml_sizeFind the number of coordinates in a KML file.
statesMap of U.S. Civil War
tidykmlFunctions to turn KML (Keyhole Markup Language) files into...
briatte/tidykml documentation built on May 13, 2019, 7:43 a.m.