Man pages for brielin/inspre
INverse SParse REgression

calc_inst_effect_h5XCalculates correlation and standard error of instrument with...
calc_metricsCalculates metrics for model evaluation.
censor_datasetTurns a fully observed network into a partially observed...
cor_w_seEstimates correlation matrix of X in the presence of missing...
dataset_to_scoreConverts simulated dataset to score object for use with GIES...
filter_tceHelper function to do basic filtering of the TCE matrix.
fit_inspre_from_h5XFits inverse sparse regression model.
fit_inspre_from_RFits inverse sparse regression model.
fit_inspre_from_XFits inverse sparse regression model.
fit_inspre_sequenceFits inspre model for sequence of lambda values.
fit_U_UV_constFit U satisfying UV = I
fit_U_VU_constFit U satisfying VU = I
fit_V_UV_constFit V satisfying VU = I
fit_V_VU_constFit V satisfying VU = I
generate_datasetSimulates an intervention dataset.
generate_networkSimulates random graph, optionally a DAG
get_directFits exact model to data.
get_observedGets observed network from direct effects.
get_tceGets matrix of TCE from observed network.
inspreFinds the inverse of X using Inverse Sparse Regression.
inspre_workerWorker function to fit inspre for a single value of lambda.
lassoFit lasso model (one iteration)
make_igraphCreates an igraph from CDE matrix.
make_weightsHelper function to make weights for inspre.
multiple_iv_reg_h5XImplements simple multiple-outcome instrumental variables...
parse_hdf5_dfSimple parses for hdf5 metadata into a data.frame.
predict_inspreCalculates model predictions given new data, with...
predict_inspre_G_h5XCalculates model predictions given new data, with...
predict_inspre_inv_h5XCalculates model predictions given new data, with...
stars_cvCalculates STARS cross-validation.
brielin/inspre documentation built on Dec. 3, 2023, 4:55 a.m.