These are internal developer notes; don't expect any of it to make much sense.

Garbage Collection

What Should Be PROTECTed

SEXP that you create must be protected

How Does Protection Work

Note: a lot of what follows is somewhat untested

Protection is purely a function of the protection stack; the following two are equivalent (assuming GC cant happen between the two statements in the second point):

A corollary of the above is that it is often useful to use spurious PROTECT calls to maintain stack balance in forked logic:

if(i > 5) w = PROTECT(ScalarLogical(1)); ...
else PROTECT(); ...
UNPROTECT(1);  // Otherwise would have to unprotect 0 or 1 depending on logic above

When Is Protection Not Necessary?

Only SEXPs that are not pointed to by protected SEXPs need to be protected, for example in:

x = PROTECT(list2(ScalarLogical(1), ScalarLogical(2)));
y = CAR(x);
z = CADR(x);

We don't need to PROTECT y or z as they are already protected as members of x.

Also, assuming z is protected already:

SETCDR(z, list1(scalarLogical(1)));

Does not require any protection even though we are creating two new SEXPs because z is already protected and z will point to its CDR, obviously.

SEXPs that are created within the initialization script R_init_... and are installed don't need to be protected, likely because those become pointed to by the symbol table. It is possible to initialize other objects but these seem to get GCed (in particular, we attempted to create calls with nested sub-objects).

Output / Inspection

void Rprintf(const char , ...); void REprintf(const char , ...); like Rprintf, but prints to stderr!

void PrintValue(SEXP) equivalent to print in R!

void error(const char *, ...); equivalent to stop in R, always has for context the function that initially .Call the R code.


SEXP mkString(const char *s) return: STRSXP, equivalent to ScalarString(mkChar(x))

SEXP ScalarString(SEXP): param: should be CHARSXP, i.e. ScalarString(mkChar(x)) return: STRSXP

SEXP PRINTNAME(SEXP) param: should be a pairlist tag (e.g TAG(X)), presumably a symbol return: CHARSXP can potentially convert to STRSXP with: ScalarString(PRINTNAME(TAG(x)))

SEXP asChar(x): param: STRSXP return: CHARSXP, first element in x

From TAG to R object: ScalarString(PRINTNAME(TAG(x)))

From Hadley:

There are a few helper functions that turn length one R vectors into C scalars:

asLogical(x): LGLSXP -> int
asInteger(x): INTSXP -> int
asReal(x): REALSXP -> double
CHAR(asChar(x)): STRSXP -> const char*

And helpers to go in the opposite direction:

ScalarLogical(x): int -> LGLSXP
ScalarInteger(x): int -> INTSXP
ScalarReal(x): double -> REALSXP
mkString(x): const char* -> STRSXP

NA values

From arith.h:

#define NA_LOGICAL  R_NaInt
#define NA_INTEGER  R_NaInt
/* #define NA_FACTOR  R_NaInt  unused */
#define NA_REAL   R_NaReal

Understanding How to Read C Types

Hash Tables vs Simple Lookup

One question is whether using hash tables makes sense for lookups on things that are likely to be reasonably small. Here are some tests of various sizes. We're using the pfhash hash tables:

x <-, expand.grid(letters, letters, letters))
y <-, expand.grid(LETTERS, LETTERS, LETTERS))
names(x) <- x
names(y) <- x
x.0 <- as.pairlist(x[1:10])
y.0 <- as.pairlist(y[1:10])
x.1 <- as.pairlist(x[1:25])
y.1 <- as.pairlist(y[1:25])
x.2 <- as.pairlist(x[1:50])
y.2 <- as.pairlist(y[1:50])
x.3 <- as.pairlist(x[1:100])
y.3 <- as.pairlist(y[1:100])
x.4 <- as.pairlist(x[1:200])
y.4 <- as.pairlist(y[1:200])
  alike_test(x.0, y.0, 1),
  alike_test(x.0, y.0, 0),
  alike_test(x.1, y.1, 1),
  alike_test(x.1, y.1, 0),
  alike_test(x.2, y.2, 1),
  alike_test(x.2, y.2, 0),
  alike_test(x.3, y.3, 1),
  alike_test(x.3, y.3, 0),
  alike_test(x.4, y.4, 1),
  alike_test(x.4, y.4, 0)


Unit: microseconds
                    expr     min       lq   median       uq     max neval
 alike_test(x.0, y.0, 1)   3.518   4.1180   4.4765   6.1930  11.338   100
 alike_test(x.0, y.0, 0)   2.167   2.5025   2.6570   2.8010  12.652   100
 alike_test(x.1, y.1, 1)   6.649   7.2300   7.8070  10.5965  31.948   100
 alike_test(x.1, y.1, 0)   6.040   6.3695   6.5710   6.7890   8.065   100
 alike_test(x.2, y.2, 1)  11.477  12.6375  14.4195  17.7555  33.460   100
 alike_test(x.2, y.2, 0)  18.804  19.1270  19.2685  19.4835  28.185   100
 alike_test(x.3, y.3, 1)  21.527  23.6695  25.4665  31.8590  53.237   100
 alike_test(x.3, y.3, 0)  67.789  68.1235  68.3185  68.5460  79.175   100
 alike_test(x.4, y.4, 1)  43.806  46.4580  49.4490  63.4970 113.256   100
 alike_test(x.4, y.4, 0) 259.650 260.0055 260.3515 262.0430 285.271   100

0 indicates no hash table. This suggests up to about ~25 elements we're better off not using a hash table due to the associated overhead... Additionally, it looks like xlength takes about 1ns per element in list to operate, so maybe the correct way to do this is to check length, and if greater than 25, use hash, else just do a double loop. Or even better than xlenght, just use a loop to count length up to 25, adds a little overhead if list is small, but probably as soon as we get above 50 for wins.

brodieG/alike documentation built on May 13, 2019, 7:44 a.m.