## See tests/convertColor.R for details
## library(grDevices)   ## if you have r-devel > r75340

Summary of Known Behavior Changes

This is a summary of the know behavior changes between grDevices::convertColor@r75340 and that of the same function after applying either the level-1 (grDevices1::) or level-2 patch (grDevices2::). Unless explicitly stated changes happen both with the level-1 and level-2 patches.

Column Names

The current version of grDevices::convertColor produces seemingly odd column names. For example, in this case one might expect both results to have the same column names:

convertColor(c(50, -20, 20), 'Luv', 'Lab')
convertColor(c(.34491, .50319, .37791), 'sRGB', 'Lab')

These seemingly odd names are likely an unintended consequence of c combining the names of inputs:

c(L=50, a=-20, b=13)
c(L=c(Y=50), a=c(X=-20), b=c(Y=13))

Internally we replace calls to c with cbind, and this "resolves" the issue. It would be possible to record the old names for each combination of inputs and reproduce them, but this requires contortion for the sake of behavior that does not seem worth preserving.

Zero Row Inputs

Almost all color space conversions currently fail with zero row inputs, except those in which to is set to XYZ. For these the return is a zero length vector.

convertColor(matrix(numeric(), ncol=3), 'Luv', 'XYZ')
convertColor(matrix(numeric(), ncol=3), 'Luv', 'Lab')

With the patch all input/output color space combinations work and return zero-row matrices:

str(grDevices1::convertColor(matrix(numeric(), ncol=3), 'Luv', 'XYZ'))
str(grDevices1::convertColor(matrix(numeric(), ncol=3), 'Luv', 'Lab'))

Given that this is a bit of a corner case, and that the existing behavior is inconsistent across input/output color space combinations, it seems unnecessary to further complicate the patches to mimic the existing behavior.

NAs/NaNs/Inf in Inputs

NA/NaN/Inf inputs currently cause errors for many of the input/output color space combinations. This is mostly because of expressions of the form if(test) ... fail when test is NA, as shown in this example:

convertColor(c(NaN, 0.5, 0.5), 'sRGB', 'Lab')   # works
convertColor(c(NaN, 0.5, 0.5), 'Lab', 'sRGB')   # doesn't

The level-1 patch uses ifelse which handles the NA values and propagates them. In this sense level-1 "works". The level-2 patch replaces ifelse with the faster .ifelse, which works similarly but also preserves NaNs (i.e. does not coerce them to NAs):

grDevices1::convertColor(c(50, NaN, 0.5), 'Lab', 'sRGB')
grDevices2::convertColor(c(50, NaN, 0.5), 'Lab', 'sRGB')

Due to the existing inconsistency, there seems to be little harm in changing the behavior to make NAs propagate and allow the computation to complete.

brodieG/grDevices2 documentation built on May 7, 2019, 2:29 p.m.