Man pages for brry/installB
Update R package locally

allFunctionscreate and open a file with the content of all the functions...
checkCodeLinkcheck for code and link statements
checkImportsCheck imports in source code
checkOutdatedcheck if installed package is outdated.
codeSpacesCorrect spaces in source code
convert_crlf_for_git_on_macconvert CRLF for git on Mac OS
courseopen R course PDF
crancheckcheck packages for cran release
del_dsdelete .DS_Store file on Mac OS
detachAllDetach all packages on search path
funInCodeIs a function used in some code?
installArun installB on all my packages.
installBinstall packages from local drive
isInstalledIs a package installed and usable?
loadAndMessageCall 'require' and give verbose output
loadPackagesLoad a number of packages I always like to have in the search...
newsdescopen NEWS and DESCRIPTION files at package root
packsNewRPackages in new R installation
pathFinderFind package path based on the computer used.
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
brry/installB documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 6:49 p.m.