
#' Handle Climate Data from DWD (German Weather Service)
#' - find, select, download + read data from the German weather service DWD\cr
#' - vectorized, progress bars, no re-downloads\cr
#' - index of files + meta data\cr
#' - observational time series from 6k meteorological recording stations (2.5k active)\cr
#'   -> rain, temperature, wind, sunshine, pressure, cloudiness, humidity, snow, ...\cr
#' - gridded raster data from radar + interpolation\cr
#' - european data stock slowly growing\cr
#' For an introduction to the package, see <https://bookdown.org/brry/rdwd>.\cr
#' @name rdwd
#' @aliases rdwd-package rdwd
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}
#' @keywords package documentation
#' @seealso related weather data processing references at <https://bookdown.org/brry/rdwd/see-also.html>
#' @section Searchability Terms:
#' Weather Data Germany download with R, Climate Data Germany\cr
#' Deutscher Wetterdienst R Daten download Klimastationen\cr
#' DWD Daten mit R runterladen, Wetter und Klimadaten in R
brry/rdwd documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 11:23 p.m.