Man pages for bryandmartin/SUMMER
Small-Area-Estimation Unit/Area Models and Methods for Estimation in R

aggPixelPredsHelper function of 'pixelPopToArea'
aggPopAggregate populations to the specified areal level
aggregateSurveyAggregate estimators from different surveys.
BenchmarkBenchmark posterior draws to national estimates
BRFSSThe BRFSS dataset
calibrateByRegionCalibrate the point level totals so their sum matches the...
ChangeRegionMap region names to a common set.
compareEstimatesPlot heatmap comparing pairwise posterior exceedence...
DemoDataSimulated child mortality person-month dataset.
DemoData2Simulated dataset for prevalence mapping.
DemoMapUganda Admin-1 region map for illustration purpose
DemoMap2Kenya Admin-1 region map for illustration purpose
expitExpit transformation
getAdjustedAdjust direct estimates and their associated variances
getAmatExtract adjacency matrix from the map
getAreaNameDetermines which administrative areas contain the given...
getBirthsReformat full birth records into person-month format
getCountsAggregate person-month data into counts and totals by groups.
getDiagExtract posterior summaries of random effects
getDirectObtain the Horvitz-Thompson direct estimates and standard...
getDirectListObtain the Horvitz-Thompson direct estimates and standard...
getSmoothedExtract smoothed estimates.
hatchPlotPlot maps with uncertainty hatching.
iid.newNew random IID models for m-year to period random effects random IID models for m-year to period random effects
KenDataAuxiliary data for Kenya 2014 DHS.
kenyaPopulationDataKenya 2009 Census Frame and Related Datasets
KingCountyMap of King County
logitLogit transformation
logitNormMeanCalculate the mean of a distribution whose logit is Gaussian
makePopIntegrationTabGenerating pixellated populations, and population frames
MalawiDataAuxiliary data for Malawi 2000, 2004, 2010, and 2015 DHS.
MalawiMapMalawi Admin-2 map
mapEstimatesMapping estimates for svysae object
mapPlotPlot region-level variables on a map
mapPointsMap GPS points to polygon regions
plot.SUMMERprojPlot projection output.
poppRegionFromPopMatGenerate a population frame of a similar format to poppa...
print.SUMMERmodelPrint method for the smoothing models.
print.SUMMERmodel.svyPrint method for the smoothing models from 'smoothSurvey'.
print.SUMMERprojlistPrint method for the combined projection output.
projKenyaMap projection for Kenya
ridgePlotCalculate and plot posterior densities of the projected...
rstSimulate spatial and temporal random effects
rw.newNew random walk 1 and 2 models for m-year to period random... random walk 1 and 2 models for m-year to period random...
setThresholdsByRegionSet thresholds of population density for urbanicity...
simhyperSimulate hyperpriors from an GMRF
simPopSimulate populations and areal prevalences
simPopInternalInternal functions for population simulation
simSPDESimulate from the SPDE spatial model
smoothAreaSmall area estimation via basic area level model
smoothClusterCluster-level space-time smoothing models for mortality rates
smoothDirectSmoothed direct estimates for mortality rates
smoothSurveyFit space-time smoothing models for a generic outcome from...
smoothUnitSmooth via basic unit level model
st.newNew Type I to IV space time interaction models for m-year to... Type I to IV space time interaction models for m-year to...
summary.SUMMERmodelSummary method for the smoothing models.
summary.SUMMERmodel.svySummary method for the smoothing model and output from...
summary.SUMMERprojlistSummary method for the combined projection output. This...
SUMMER-packageSUMMER package documentation.
tcpPlotDiscrete-color maps based on the True Classification...
bryandmartin/SUMMER documentation built on Aug. 17, 2024, 1:16 p.m.