drawHiveSpline: Draw a 3D Spline as Part of a 3D Hive Plot

View source: R/drawHiveSpline.R

drawHiveSplineR Documentation

Draw a 3D Spline as Part of a 3D Hive Plot


This function analyzes the edges of a HivePlotData object in order to draw 3D splines representing those edges. Each pair of nodes at the ends of an edge is identified, and a control point is computed. This information is passed to rcsr to work out the details.


drawHiveSpline(HPD, L_A = FALSE, ...)



An object of S3 class HivePlotData.


Logical: should splines be drawn with line_antialias = TRUE?


Parameters to be passed downstream.


None. A spline is added to the 3D hive plot in progress.


Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University. hanson@depauw.edu

See Also

plot3dHive which calls this function and is the user interface.

bryanhanson/HiveR documentation built on July 23, 2024, 9:22 p.m.