Man pages for brycefrank/forvol
A library of equations for computing tree volumes

build_equationBuilds the default volume equation as defined by the US...
common_lookupReturns the common name of a species given some input FIA...
failingA convenient way to quickly list the failing species for a...
find_CSVFinds the csv with the input search term Mostly for use as a...
get_coefsGets the coefficient table for a species in a specific...
get_equation_idGets the equation string for a specified region and species...
test_configTests for the existence and performance of equation IDs in a...
test_config_plot_allCreates the visualization for completed equations
test_config_spConfiguration test for species instead of equations, serves...
test_eqTests a specific CVTS function against the FIA dataset...
brycefrank/forvol documentation built on Jan. 13, 2024, 2:37 a.m.