Man pages for bstaton1/FitSR
Functions to Fit and Summarize SRA Models

gen_ssm_initsGenerate initial values for a state-space SRA fit
kusko_prepPrepare the Kuskokwim Substock Data for this analysis
lm_data_prepPrepare data for a linear SRA fit
lme_summaryQuickly summarize the linear model posteriors
ssm_data_prepPrepare data for a state-space SRA fit
ssm_summaryQuickly summarize the state-space model posteriors
write_lme_fileWrite the lm and lme model code
write_ssm_1_fileWrite the ssm 1 model code
write_ssm_2_fileWrite the ssm 2 model code
write_ssm_3_fileWrite the ssm 3 model code
write_ssm_4_fileWrite the ssm 4 model code
bstaton1/FitSR documentation built on Aug. 23, 2019, 11:13 a.m.